127. Chapter 127

"Let's go home."

Derek and Meredith made it back to their land more quickly than normal. It was late and both were hungry so Derek forgoed his health kick for a night and drove quickly through the drive-thru at McDonalds which made his pregnant wife delighted. Wanting to stop for a long dinner was the last thing either of them wanted. When they made it to their land they quickly saw that awaiting them were the head of the construction company, Derek and Meredith's lawyer and some other supervising workers. They drove up their driveway and parked in front of the garage Derek intended on claiming as his own.

The house was a glow with all the lights inside and out turned on probably for the electricity test they both figured when they took notice to how lit up their new home was against the dark night and the isolated area with no other neighbors or lights on their little island.

They held hands as they walked up to the group that were chatting in front of their porch. Meredith held their linked hands in front of her not wanting to be separated from him for a second during this moment. Derek glanced at her as she watched straight ahead the looming structure that was getting closer and closer to them.

"Dr and Dr Shepherd" the foreman greeted them, shaking both their free hands since Meredith wouldn't let go of Derek's for the life of her. "Everything checked out perfectly, all the interior gas, electric, water, inspection went off without a hitch. We'll be able to continue doing the exterior work but you are cleared to live inside the house with use of the drive and garage area." He rattled off as Meredith still stared at the house with a smile on her face.

The workers that were left around had been cleaning up the mess out front, excess paint cans, boxes, and some men she could see were still out back doing exterior work but were packing it in for the day.

As Derek and the others rattled on about time frames and circuit boards, Meredith gently let go of his hand and walked slowly up towards the house. Derek stopped talking watching as she gingerly crept closer to the house. Taking in each step up to their porch, just standing there on their wrap around gently touching the wood pillar at the step. She turned and looked at him with a smile that lit her entire face and then turned again sitting on their swing they had built into the wood beams on the porch. She sat on her swing, on her porch, on her house, on her land with the words "hers" chanting all in her head.

She tucked her feet under her and just started swinging, giggling as Derek looked on. He was still getting instructions from the crew and just wanted them all to disappear quickly so he could join his wife on their porch.

Guessing they got the hint, the group wrapped up, telling him that they'd be back late in the morning to continue their outdoor work. The lawyer gave him the all clear and handed over the keys as Derek looked at them with a smile on his face. Raising his head to look back at Meredith on the swing he dangled the keys high in the air in front of him for her to see.

He bid farewell to the group and didn't walk, or stride up to Meredith on the porch. He ran like a kid in a candy store with the keys in his hand up to her as her giggles got louder. He scooped her up and plopped down on the swing, settling her into his lap as her arms wrapped around him. He again dangled all the keys in front of her, front door, side door, garage doors, back door. All theirs and then dropped the keys in the palm of her hand.

"We're home" she sighed as she rested her head in the crook of his neck and they both looked out over their front yard of grass, their driveway and lots of trees.