128. Chapter 128

Meredith's giggles could be heard echoing through the trees as she wrapped her arms around Derek's neck as Derek picked her up as he stood up getting off the porch swing and getting ready to carry her over their threshold of their dream house for the first time. The house they had dreamed about since she was a teenager, he wasn't even a real doctor yet.

He walked slowly over to the door and bending down slightly so Meredith could insert the key into the door to unlock it for the first time.

"Oops not that one." Meredith said still giggling as the first key she tried didn't fit.

"Mer…" Derek whined while she grabbed a different key and he waited in wanting to carry her over their threshold.

Carry her over the threshold for the sixth time he thought back counting in his head.

He remembered carrying her over every threshold he could think of, the honeymoon suite at the Plaza hotel for their wedding night while she still wore her beautiful white strapless couture wedding gown that Derek's sisters and mother had gone with her to pick out. The following day he carried her over their honeymoon suite when they arrived in St. Barth's. When they returned 10 days and very tanned later he carried her over their apartment's threshold. He even carried her over his parent's house threshold on their first family dinner with the family after coming home from their honeymoon, and he carried her over the trailer threshold when they moved in there. Derek firmly believed this would be the last threshold that he'd carry her over, they've accomplished their dream house.

"What? There's like half a dozen keys here." She laughed just as the second key made a click turning the lock as Meredith made a satisfied grin for picking the right key on her second try and put her hand on the door handle to gently push it open as far as she could while still being held in Derek's arms.

He took a few steps forward and pushed his body weight against the door, carrying her into their home and coming to a stop to stand in their foyer as they both looked all over their fully furnished and ready for them to live in house. Meredith turned from staring at the great room to look at Derek's face as he took in their surroundings. They both knew they'd only experience this moment once. After the novelty of the house wears off they'd be running around all over it and taking it for granted.

"It's perfect" he whispered. "Just like we imagined." She added as she laid her head on his shoulder and absently played with the curls at the nape of his neck.

She shifted to come down which made Derek's grip intensify and hold her tighter.

"What are you doing?" he asked looking at her with a hint of mischievous in his eyes.

"Coming down Derek, you did the carrying over the threshold thing, again. I want to run around the house now."

"Oh no, we're not down the thresholding. I have the bedroom to do, and as you pointed out over and over again this week. There's still a bed you've been torturing me with all week long to threshold." He smiled as he rushed to the steps and went up them as fast as he could as her giggles echoed through their house.