129. Chapter 129

Meredith and Derek loved their house, they both had tried to experience as much as they could of it in the short amount of time they had off until they had to go back to work.

Derek had wisely thought ahead and while he didn't think to have gotten Meredith a lighter load the other day they were being finally given the keys, he had the smarts to play around with the schedule for the following day. Taking it off for both him and his wife. Meredith didn't know that the schedule had be changed and that she had the day off until she woke after their first night in their big soft comfy bed in their big master bedroom groaning that she didn't want to leave or get up.

Derek smiled knowing that this was going to be the reaction. He lightly kissing her shoulder, whispering that she didn't have to and just soothed her back to sleep quietly murmuring that she had the day off.

Looking around the empty room with the exception of the furniture. Derek knew they had a lot of work to do and with a pregnant wife on 2 doctor's schedules he knew transitioning them from the trailer to the house was going to take some time. He gingerly got out of bed quietly trying not to disturb Meredith's slumber. Then while Meredith slept he had gone over to the trailer and brought over the food they had in the trailer fridge and the food from the cupboards. He made a few trips, also bringing all the clothes they had in the trailer storage compartment.

Meredith had smartly thought not to open all the luggage of clothes they had brought from NY and use just a few suitcases and storing the rest until they had "a real closet" as she called it. Living in New York for most of your life makes you collect a lot of clothes, especially when you had sisters like he had and not to mention Addison. Always wanting to take his wife on shopping trips, shopping lunches, any get together they all had ended up with bags of merchandise coming back home with her. Meredith also had her own stash of shoes and clothes she brought with her Derek remembered with heart ache before they became husband and wife. Meredith told him she spent a lot of time on retail therapy using her mothers money, she said walking around the Manhattan shops with salesladies always around made her feel a little less lonely. That retail therapy ended up with quite a wide collection of designer shoes ranging from Gucci's to Manolo's that Derek joked with her they should insure.

The construction workers arriving as planned and working outside kept Derek from going back to sleep after lugging in as much from the trailer he could and dropping it all in the front foyer. So he figured to make himself useful and start to unpack it all. He knew Meredith would wake up and want to start lugging things over herself and doing work. He wanted the bulk of the heavy stuff done before she woke up so she wouldn't have to try and do heavy lifting.

He wasn't a sound a sleeper as Meredith so as Derek padded around the house bringing up the clothes and putting things away in the kitchen she never stirred as she slept securely and comforting upstairs.

When Meredith finally did stir and start to wake, she slowly opened her eyes finding a sweaty and tired Derek sitting at the end of the bed watching her as she slept and looking around seeing her room full of boxes and the clothes Derek had brought over from the trailer all over the place.

She crawled out of the sheets and down the bed, looping her hands around Derek's neck and leaning into kiss him. He wrapped his tired arms around her pulling her back down onto the bed as she giggled.

"You rest now, my turn." She told him soothingly, covering him up in a sheet and rubbing his back lightly to make him try and go back to sleep. After his eyes fluttered shut, she instantly got to work, packing clothes in drawers and in the spacious double walk-in closets. Derek's clothes in one, hers in the other, her prized shoes on the special shoe shelves that had her very excited. She organized them according to color and seasons and kept all suits and formal wear together. Between Meredith and Derek each doing the work that morning the trailer was emptied fairly quickly and unpacked efficiently. Later in the day after Derek had awoke, they got started on the family great room. Meredith didn't want to go anywhere so Derek had been the one to leave the house to stock the pantry with more groceries; he also wanted beer for his man room beer fridge.

By the end of the night, after their first exhausting day in their new home. They laid on Derek's very soft comfortable leather couch nestled together, legs intertwined, Meredith's head resting on his chest on Derek's chest in his darkened entertainment room. Resting in each others arms exhausted, but both with satisfied smiles on their face as they enjoyed their home and couldn't be happier in the moment. He drank his beer, she drank milk and they both ate the large pizza he brought back from town for dinner. All while watching something, but nothing at all on his big screen projector screen.