130. Chapter 130

The day had come for Meredith to leave her new house and Derek was fairly sure she was not going to go willingly to work this morning.

Turning his body to look at her, peaceful in her deep sleep she looked so happy and warm in her new room and bed cocoon. He didn't have the heart to wake her as yet. She had fallen asleep in his entertainment room last night on the couch, resulting in him carrying her sleeping pregnant form up a lot of stairs to bed. She was so tired she never stirred, just sighed happily adjusting herself in their new bed when he laid her down and joined her.

He had once again awoke early do to the noise going on outside, stretching his legs and appreciating the big king size bed his wife had picked out and more importantly the soft mattress that felt like sleeping on a cloud.

He quietly eased out of the bed, walking over to their bedroom breakfast bar and grabbing a small bottle of juice from the mini-fridge before opening the balcony doors breathing in the morning fresh air and seeing the fine layer of mist still covering their lake in the bright sunlight in the early morning.

Derek could see the crew working on the back deck, in the far distance he could see life waking up for the new day in The Sound. Fishing boats going out for the day, cruise ships docking for a day in Seattle as their port of call, the ferry bringing all the workers to the mainland.

Derek felt like he could stand out here on his private balcony and watch the scenery all day, but he knew that in a short amount of time he and his wife should be out there as one of those workers on the ferry going to the mainland. Turning to go back in the house and quietly closing the door behind him he chuckled at the fact she hadn't moved an inch while he was out there. The construction noise, cool air, wind and birds did nothing to cause her to stir.

Crawling back in the bed over the covers, Derek leaned in and kissed Meredith's cheek then whispered in her ear. "Mere, time to wake up," before kissing her again and again until she stirred. Meredith wrapped her arm around his waste, pulling him into her and mumbling a no.

"Mere.., we got yesterday off but we got to work today. You're an intern remember. Hours to make up and all that, you said."

"I've decided to be a hermit." Meredith giggled sleepily, hiding her head under the pillow not wanting to see the sun. "I love my house and don't want to leave it, not leaving the bed until noon." Her muffled voice said from under the pillow. .

"Hermit huh?" Derek laughed as he lay down, his body enveloping hers as her laughter was muffled by the pillow. Placing his hand on her still not that big baby bump but it was starting to feel rounder and soft.

"Baby, please don't have your mothers sleeping in habit. Or going to school in the mornings are going to be really difficult for me." He whispered.

Meredith laughed as she lifted her head up from under the pillow and sitting up in their bed bracing her back against the head board. Hearing his conversation he was having with the baby.

"If our baby's like you then I'll end up with 2 of you wanting wake up at the crack of dawn." That statement just made Derek's face light up, Meredith could see the gears in his head moving thinking about early morning fishing trips.

"I like that thought." He beamed knowing she knew what was on his mind.

"I bet you do." She giggled "If he's an early riser, you two can fish early all you want, just let me sleep in please." She pouted.

"Deal." He winked. "You ready to have to get out of the cocoon now?" he asked.

"I guess." She sighed loudly swinging her legs out to climb off the bed padding off towards their master bath as he watched her retreating back before coming up with an idea and yelling out "we can conserve time and water' and running into the bathroom behind her.