134. Chapter 134

"You know Dr. Bailey didn't look very happy with you." Meredith said to the figure hovering behind her as she sat next to Mr. Emerson monitoring his response to the prescribed meds. Her body knows when he is around and although his footsteps were quiet, his presence she felt knowing he was near.

A smirk gracing his face, Derek leaned over, her kissing the top of her head while glancing at Mr. Emerson to make sure he was still sleeping. "She and I had a little chat, we understand each other now." He whispered squatting down next to the chair beside Meredith so he could take a glance at the chart and the patient's response to the meds.

"What does that mean?"

"It means, she knows that I am an attending and she is my resident. She knows that what I say goes." He told her cockily as Meredith rolled her eyes.

"She's going to make my life hell isn't she?"

"No, she's not. This was about me and her setting some boundaries and understanding. She knows you're the best and you're just following orders whether it be hers first and then mine." He reassured her while running his hand up and down her back.

"Thanks for that by the way." She muttered leaning back into his touch as he soothed her back that was giving her a little ache.

"For what?" he laughed.

"Saving me from Burke, although you didn't know at the time you were saving me from Burke. You still saved me unknowingly." She rambled as he laughed again.

"It's my job, I'm just that damn good aren't I? I can save you even without knowing all."

"Oh gosh, your ego is getting bigger you think you're Spiderman or a superhero now."

"May be Iron Man?" he contemplated seriously.

"You're serious aren't you?"

"May be." He teased as she just shook her head from side to side at his antics with a smile on her face.

"Lower." She instructed him as his hand up higher up her back.

"Is it hurting?" Derek asked swiftly in concern as he obeyed and needed his hands into her lower back seeing the relief on her face.

"Just a little back ache. That's what happens your stomach starts growing out." She tried to joke as she patted her little bump that was still little but protruding more so than it had before.

"What can I do?" he asked coming forward to look at her, his eyes wide with concern. A look that made her hurt for him, knowing his fear and that look was because he loved her so much.

"You're doing it, you're helping. Don't worry its normal." She tried to sooth his over protectiveness as she brought her hand up and smoothed her thumb across his cheek.

"I know, but I don't like seeing you in pain." He whispered.

"I know," she whispered as she looked at him with her eyes glistening at his concern for her. "But its part of the whole baby for nine months carrying thing." She joked lightly at him seeing him crack a smile.

"Ok, but…"

"But the second my back starts to hurt or anything else, or I need some gross ice cream flavor at three in the morning or my feet need rubbing or I'm too fat to fit in my jeans and I need someone to go buy me new ones.. I will be coming straight to you. I promise." She assured him and he nodded his head believing her.

"Gross ice cream at three in the morning huh?" He teased as he started rubbing her back again.

"Yup, better stock up now." She teased back while glancing at him and going back to monitoring her patient, as Derek monitored her.
