135. Chapter 135

"What's with this meeting tomorrow morning? Doesn't the Chief know we have a new house I don't want to leave?" Meredith joked as she came into Derek's office plopping herself down his couch with her sandwich and salad for lunch, putting another sandwich and salad on Derek's desk for him as Derek sat behind his desk doing paper work.

Derek looked up, laughing at her being able to joke about her wanting to not leave the house and glancing at her with a smile as she had rustled in and made herself comfortable into his office for their lunch time together. Approving silently at her lunch choices she picked for herself, two items that looked fairly healthy for their baby and her.

"I'm not sure. I got the standard department head memo that it was an important mandatory meeting for all medical doctoral staff. No indication of what the meeting is about or how long it will be. Hopefully not long for the patients sake." He told her as he got up grabbed his sandwich she had bought him and moved to sit next to her on the couch.

Meredith had made herself comfortable, her lab coat lay draped on a nearby office chair and her kicked off her sneakers sat on the floor. She was sitting back against the sofa cross legged with the sandwich being wolfed down rapidly by her.

"Hungry?" he asked with a smirk and seeing her nod her head yes since her mouth was full. "Guess its part of the whole eating for two thing huh?" he said knowing she couldn't answer with her mouth still full as she nodded again.

"Anything else you want, any cravings?" he asked as she finished chewing and made a thinking face, which he found so adorable.

"Pepsi!" she squealed out excitedly her eyes getting wide as Derek's narrowed at her unhealthy sugary choice. "Anything else?" Derek asked biting back a groan of not wanting to get her that even if it was the caffeine free kind.

"And chocolate milk" she added as she took another bite of her sandwich. As Derek looked on confused.

"You want Pepsi and Chocolate milk?" he asked

"Hmm" she nodded.

"Together?" he asked cringing and making a frown of the sickening thought of that mixture.

"No not together." She said as she rolled her eyes. "First I want the Pepsi, then after I'll drink the chocolate milk, or may be I first want the chocolate milk and then I'll drink the Pepsi." She thought as she looked up to the ceiling thinking.

"Anything else?" he asked biting back his laughter as she contemplated the order of which one to drink first.

"Hmmm may be some chips for later, and before you do the silent groaning thing, you can get some healthy grainy Sun Chips or something. Your choice." She smiled.

"Thank you for that." He laughed.

"You're welcome, I know it's taking all your strength not to whine about the Pepsi."

"I do not whine." He said with mock offense.

"What ever you say Dr. Shepherd." She smirked and giggled as he got up and headed out to the vending machine at the end of the hall to grab all she wanted and thinking he should definitely grab all the healthy chips the vending machine had knowing just one of those little bags in the machine were not going to do once she got started munching on them.