136. Chapter 136

"How long do we have to keep waiting for? This meeting is late." Derek whined as they sat in the very full hospital auditorium awaiting the hospital mandatory doctor's staff meeting. Meredith sat to his right biting back a laugh at her husband.

"What was that your were saying about not whining yesterday?" She joked as he turned and stared at her. Before Derek could get a rebuttal in, Dr. Burke along with some other attendings started filling up the close to the front row that they were in. The rows dedicated to the department heads and attendings. Going lower in level as you moved further away. Interns were last sitting way at the back, all were in attendance back there. All, but Meredith who came in hand in hand with Derek who wouldn't let go of her hand when she went to sit with the rest of the interns and gently nudged her to keep going all the way down to the front of the auditorium to stay with him.

"Just for that I'm not giving you the snacks I have." Derek whispered in her ear so none o the listeners in range could hear. Laughing slightly when he saw her face light up and eyes go wide at the thought of food.

"You have food? Where?" she asked sitting up to look at where his pockets were and sticking her hand in one and finding a pack of crackers he was keeping in his pocket in case she got morning sickness.

Her eyes softened when she pulled out the package, looking at Derek with just love and devotion. Knowing that he's wandering around the hospital with crackers in his pocket just for her.

"You're the best." She whispered kissing him lightly on the cheek, and pulling back since the other attendings were all around them. She nestled back into her seat with her pack of crackers in one hand and taking Derek's hand in her other, looking around watching the auditorium continue to fill up. Herself getting antsy for this meeting to start.

Last night after their shifts they took the ferry home, drove up their drive way, parked their car in a garage that made Derek beam. Derek cooked dinner while Meredith sat on top of their kitchen island cross legged in sweats munching on celery and dip after Derek had stolen her bag of chips from her she as originally eating while waiting for dinner.

Swapping it for the more healthy choice saying she had enough chips for the day. Meredith tried to argue back that the baby liked chips, but Derek didn't buy that one and insisted the baby then also would like dip and gave her some celery to go with it instead of the chips.

They ate dinner, watched the news, and as Meredith put it very domesticated and boringly happy. But she thought it was the life, she couldn't have been happier. Until time came again to leave her nest and embark back to work, to now sit in a full and hot auditorium and wait for some stupid meeting.

"He didn't say anything about what this was about?" Meredith asked Derek again quietly.

"No, he just said I'd find out when everyone else did and said to be there." He whispered back.

"Ugh, I won't be able to sit in this seat much longer."

"Back?" he asked, his eyes flashing down in concern. Moving his right hand to rest on her back as he rubbed lightly.

"Just a little and this isn't helping."

"Now who's whining?" He joked as her eyes snapped sharply and he knew he shouldn't have said that one.

"I'm allowed to whine when my back hurts and has to pee every 5 seconds, and you're not allowed to complain because you got me pregnant." She pointed out as he eyes sparkled and a grin emerged on his face at that. Before he could get a word out in response, the Chief finally came out onto the stage and the lights went up bright in the front while they dimmed in the back.

"Sorry for the delay." The chief started while taking the podium. "I know you are all busy, have patients and a lot to do, and you've been kept waiting so I'll keep my remarks brief. As you know Seattle Grace has been one of the hospitals in the country gaining momentum to be one of the best. With our teaching program, our trauma team, the addition of the nations best neurosurgeon. Dr. Derek Shepherd as our new head of neurosurgery department. Which has been revitalized and published more since he has arrived than before in history of this hospital."

At the mention of Derek's name in the Chief's speech Meredith had turned to looked at her husband proudly as he smirked.

"and now" the Chief continued on"I would like to add two more of our nations best surgeons to our staff." Derek and Meredith's eyes both went wide looking at each other and turning back to the stage in front of them.

"I'd like to introduce to your our new head of Plastic Surgery, Dr. Mark Sloan and our new head of Head of Obstetricsand Gynecology. Dr. Addison Forbes-Montgomery."

He finished up as both Addison and Mark emerged on the stage... Meredith could only smirk as she saw and heard her friend's black Loubutin leather heels click against the wood flooring. She was dressed to the nines in a Prada black pencil skirt and white blouse, her hair up in a bun and she looked like Addison. Mark stood to her side wearing a black leather jacket and dress pants that made Meredith laugh.

Both shook the Chief's hand while the audience started clapping. Derek and Meredith both just smiling looking up at them while Addison waved down to them both and Mark winked.