137. Chapter 137

Meredith was buzzing in her seat. Derek had clamped his hand down on her leg to hold her still because she had kept bouncing it up and down. She felt like she had been sitting in this seat forever, she wanted to jump out of it, run up on the stage and go hug Addison hello.

Which would be really bad since Addison was currently addressing the auditorium of doctors giving a standard quo "happy to be here, looking forward to working with you" spiel. Then figured Meredith after Addison was done, Mark would have to go and do the same standard speech, which would be funny because Meredith couldn't imagine Mark believing half the things he'd have to say in his speech.

Meredith hadn't seen her best friend for so long, it's only been less than a year but it's felt like forever. It was such a change to not see anyone compared to their New York lives. When she was so used to seeing her all the time, when she dropped into the hospital to see Derek, texting to meet up for random lunches, random shopping trips, girls night at the movies when Derek and Mark were on call.

Meredith had missed having that friend here, sure she's cordial with Dr. Stevens but they're not real friends like what Addison has been to her for so many years since she was in Derek and Mark's internship group. In fact despite Addison being in their intern group it was Meredith that Addison made friends one afternoon while Meredith was waiting around outside the intern locker room for Derek. Addison used to keep more to herself, she had led a privileged sheltered life and isolated, kind of like Meredith's before she became a Shepherd.

Mark had been shocked that Meredith was able to make friends with the "stuck up rich princess" as he called her so fast after just chatting for ten minutes. He had been a bit miffed at the time that Addison kept rebuffing his advances. However, he was thrilled when Meredith invited her out to dinner with her husband and his best friend and Addison accepted. It helped Mark be more himself out to a casually double date dinner and less manwhore chaser. Addison got to see more of the real him and that was the start of their relationship with Mark thanks to Meredith.

Meredith had felt an instant kinship with Addison. They both had bad relationships with their mothers, Addison grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth surrounded by nannies and an unlimited expense account just like Meredith had grown up. While Addison had a brother and Meredith had nobody they still shared a similar childhood of loneliness.

Meredith was startled out of her thoughts as the audience started clapping again signaling that Addison was done with her speech. Meredith watched as she stepped back away from the podium to allow Mark to address the crowd, he started his speech and the second he had said the "can't wait to work with all of you" Meredith started giggling and Derek just put his head down to try not to laugh as well. Both knew how Mark was with interns, how he hated working with doctors that didn't know much. Both Derek and Meredith knew that watching Mark learn to teach young and impressionable interns was going to quite the entertaining process.

"Bet Mark tells Chief he wants Alex and you as his interns to teach and that's it." Derek whispered in her ear causing her to giggle again as Mark looked down at the sternly but playfully.

Mark's speech was shorter and to the point, the Chief came back and thanked everyone for coming then dismissed the auditorium of doctors. As Derek and Meredith stood, Meredith quickly exited her row and went up the short staircase onto the stage with Derek following behind her with his hand resting on her back.

Derek took a step back watching as Addison rushed over to them, enveloping Meredith in a big warm tight hug. Tears glistening both their eyes at seeing each other again after being separated for months. Addison pulled back slightly smiling as she rested her hand on Meredith's little baby bump. Both friends not saying anything just happy to see each other again. Derek had expected the first time Addison and Meredith saw each other again to be a lot of girly squealing and jumping up and down, not quiet and tears. Mark came over slapping Derek on the back "happy to see me" he slyly smiled in Mark Sloan fashion

"Happy to see you." Derek smiled back as they both stood back watching the girls.