138. Chapter 138

"Mere..." Addison whispered as she pulled back to look at Meredith and then glanced behind her towards the surroundings of the auditorium noticing that a lot of the staff was still in the auditorium and staring at the reunion occurring on the stage.

"They're staring at us." She continued alarmingly as Meredith giggled.

"It's ok, you'll get used to it." She smiled as Addison still looked on surprised.

"Why are they staring?" Addison asked alarmed as Meredith shrugged her shoulders.

"It's what they do. I'm the pregnant Ellis Grey spawn intern who married the best neurosurgeon in the world as a teenager and have you and Mark in my life too."

Meredith giggled as Addison rolled her eyes at Meredith's statement. "And you my best friend is going to is the well dressed best OB surgeon in the world who has Mark Sloan wrapped around your finger. Apparently we're gossip fodder."

"Great." Addison replied rolling her eyes again. "Gossip fodder, like we didn't have that enough in New York. I guess it's better for me than you. I'm their boss who gets to order them around. You're the intern who's married to the department head." Addison laughed as Meredith pouted. "Thanks Addi, thanks alot."

"Are you two finished, can I get in here now?" Derek smiled as he came up behind Meredith and opened his arms to great Addison. "Yes, get over here. " Addison scolded him with a smile as she stepped forward to hug him. "You better be taking good care of her" she chided.

"Always" Derek replied smiling at Meredith, reaching for her hand as she blushed.

"Yeah yeah, Shep the sap we know." Mark blurted out before muttering "why did I move here again to have to deal with the two of you and your lovey dovey behavior."

"Because you love us, can't live without us." Meredith teased him as Mark smiled and laughed knowing she was right.

Seeing Richard waiting at the steps, Meredith realized they needed to break this up.

"I have to go get my assignment from my resident and do internly things." Meredith sighed not wanting to break up the gab fest. Also knowing that going to get her assignment meant going to have to deal with the questions and comments of her fellow interns who had seen the reunion between the old friends.

"It's ok…" Addison sighed as well. "I need to go meet my staff, get settled in my office, and I suppose find out what gossip has already spread about me." She laughed.

"Order some interns around to unpack for you that's what I'm going to do. Make them find me a good cappuccino too. It's Seattle, they're supposed to have good coffee right?"

Mark talked absently as Meredith and Derek's eyes narrowed at that and Mark added "Oh, not you Jailbait. The real interns, the stupid clueless ones. Who didn't have the likes of me to quiz them on all the plastic surgery techniques throughout college and medschool." He said as all three friends just shook their head at him choosing to just ignore him and his ego completely.

"Catch up at lunch if I get a break?" Addison asked to Meredith and Derek.

"Sure, I'll page you when I get my break and see if you're free." Meredith nodded

"I'm in." Derek added.

"You know I'll be free." Mark added as the other three rolled their eyes. "I'm starting not to feel the love." He added as Meredith laughed as she started to move off the stage with Derek holding onto her securely helping her down the steps.

"I've missed having you around Mark" Meredith told him.

"They'll never be a dull moment again." Derek laughed.