139. Chapter 139

Meredith had rejoined her intern group in the intern locker room where Dr. Bailey had scheduled they meet up and wait for her there after the meeting was over. Sitting on a hard uncomfortable wooden bench that was situated in-between the lockers she sat patiently at the edge of the bench avoiding the conversation at hand.

Wondering how the other interns hung out in here, it was so dark and hard, uncomfortable. She was so grateful for her husband's warm inviting with soft chairs office.

Izzie, Alex, Cristina, and George were all grouped around discussing the hoopla of the meeting and new changes that will now occur at the hospital.

"You must be happy Spawn, you already kissed up to Sloan and have a leg up." Cristina muttered to Alex as Alex beamed. Meredith quietly laughed at how happy Alex looked knowing now that Mark was now here permanently. Meredith thought about Mark's last visit and how Alex and even Izzie saw the nice on his best behavior Mark Sloan when he was just a visiting guest attending, Meredith felt bad for the rest of them. Mark was going to respect Alex because he knew he was her practically only friend. Izzie kind of semi earned some respect from him, but the others were fresh intern meet. Good for unpacking boxes.

"I'm not the only happy one around here, Izz looks thrilled herself." Alex threw out trying to deflect the attention off him.

"Addison Montgomery is now our head of neonatal. Do you know how huge that is? Seriously? Seriously? That is huge and I am going to work with her, she is one of the bests being able to learn from her is a dream." Izzie gushed in her happy perky way.

"Oh please you want gynie brigade with babies and pregnant women hormones all over ready to have babies you could have it." Cristina spoke annoyed and rolling her eyes before her tirade continued on. "So more of the New York elite are here so what? I don't care about botched botex jobs, boob jobs or toxic screaming babies. Cardio is the best anyway." Cristina boasted with a smile. Knowing that she had her in, in the cardio department with Dr. Burke. As Meredith rolled her eyes at Cristina's opinion of children, realizing she should have known Cristina was the type just like her mother that thought kids was in the way of being a surgeon.

Meredith chose to keep her mouth shut and keep her feelings confined to her own psyche. She felt sorry for Addison for the lucky day of when she got Cristina on her service. Mark could take her, because he wouldn't have her anywhere near him on a case anyways, but Cristina's view of babies as being toxic and not liking screaming was going to make Addison want to pull out her red hair or hit Cristina with a Prada shoe. On second thought Meredith realized that Addison would never risk hurting her shoe.

"All right settle down" Dr. Bailey bellowed as she entered the locker room looking at them. "As you all have heard we've got two new attendings and heads of department here at Seattle Grace and I expect all of you to make me proud and reflect well. That being said you all minus Shepherd will be in the pit today."

"What?" "Seriously? "Why?" "Dr. Bailey..." The crowd erupted at the same time while Meredith kept quiet since she was still unknown as to what her assignment was.

"Shut up." Dr. Bailey yelled out loud causing all the whining to stop. "Yes the pit. You're going to the pit because I said so. Yes I am serious and why? Because you morons are here to learn and from what I saw yesterday with our head of Neuros patient you need all the learning you could get. The pit will be busy, they will be a chance for you all to treat multiple patients and cases through out the day. Now go!" She ordered them before turning to Meredith. "Shepherd, Head of Pediatrics requested an intern. Go."

"Yes, Dr. Bailey" she nodded before following the others out the door.