140. Chapter 140

Meredith arrived in Pediatrics as soon as she could and was waiting at the nursery window for Dr. Robbins the head of Pediatrics.

Meredith couldn't help stand there and stare at all the little bundles in their little diapers, wrapped securely in their soft pink and blue blankets. Little hats on their heads and some little hand in the air stretching. Each of them their own little unique person, one crying, one reaching his little arm out, more than one fast asleep. She was going to have her own little bundled wrapped in a blanket sleeping behind this big window in months.

"Dr. Shepherd... Dr. Shepherd." She heard from behind her jolting her out of her other world.

"Oh, Dr. Robbins I'm so sorry I didn't hear you come up."

"It's ok, not many do," she laughed. "They're mesmerizing aren't they?" She smiled coming to stand next to Meredith at the nursery window.

"Yes, they are."

"Well lets get started shall we, I have a 5 year old with Hydronephrosis." Dr. Robbins told Meredith as she wheeled on he heels towards the nurse's desk to pick up the chart while Meredith didn't budge, instead looking down in surprise at Dr. Robbins feet to see what she was wearing.

"Dr. Shepherd, will you be joining me today? Do I need to get you some faster shoes like mine?"

"No. No faster shoes will be necessary Dr. Robbins. I'm good with my flat not wheels shoes." Meredith said swiftly while looking at the doctor wide eyed and wondering why she was wearing a children's shoe in the hospital. Meredith remembered Mark buying one of her and Derek's nephews the shoe for his birthday and Derek instantly started complaining that it's promoting and asking for a head injury. "I'm never buying my kid a shoe that has health advisory warning on it." She clearly remembered Derek telling her when they were safely alone in his car on the way back to their apartment.

"You sure, it really helps getting around." She tried to encourage her to wear the wheelies.

"Yes, I'm sure." Meredith said not wanting to explain not only was she pregnant and shouldn't be wheeling around on her heels anywhere, but her husband would have a meltdown if he saw her anywhere near a pair, and the fact it was just plain weird for an adult. She quickly tried to change the subject back to the patient on hand so she could get on with her day and make it for lunch with Addi.

"Hydronephrosis in a 5 year old? Isn't that a bit old?" Meredith asked as they started moving towards the patient's room.

"Old? Do you know what disease this is Dr. Shepherd?" Dr. Robbins inquired. Meredith was unsure of her tone. Whether it was surprise or whether it was disdain at not being a clueless intern so she decided to answer the question at hand from what she remembered from Addison's study cards when she helped her study for the pediatrics/OB portion of her exams and boards.

"Hydronephrosis is a condition in which one or both sides kidneys in a child gets enlarged due to excessive accumulation of urine. Cause of the accumulation is obstruction to the onward passage of urine to the bladder." She recited before pausing to add "also most Hydronephrosis patients are diagnosed and have their surgeries at less than 6 months of age." Meredith rattled on that statistic remembering the 2 month old patient and surgery she had seen Addison perform a few years ago from the gallery of course.

"Well then, I guess you're well versed and prepared for this case then." The Doctor stuttered out in surprised. "You are a first year intern right, or did you fail and retake your intern year?" Dr. Robbins asked.

"No I did not fail." Meredith replied flatly and with show as they entered the patient's room. Thinking lunch couldn't come fast enough to get her away from the wheeling strange wheely doctor.