141. Chapter 141

"Hey! It's lunch time!" Meredith bounced into Derek's office with a beaming smile. Then noticing Mark sitting in one of Derek's chairs with his feet propped on Derek's desk. "Mark too," she added with a nod.

"Hey, yourself." Derek smiled back at her knowing that she was so happy that their friends were here and here to stay. Meredith walked around the desk coming up behind Derek and looped her arms around his neck giving him a quick backwards kiss on the cheek while Mark looked on rolling his eyes. "Oh don't roll your eyes at me Mark Sloan, you missed us."

"How was your morning?" Derek laughed skillfully ignoring her baiting Mark.

"Ugh, you do not want to know" she huffed standing straight again and opening Derek's bottom drawer of "goodies" she called it, and grabbing a chocolate chip granola bar to munch on before lunch. She unwrapped the foil wrapper and kicked off her shoes, moving to lay on the couch.

"You have food in here?" Mark gasped sitting up wanting some. As Derek laughed again and shook his head no. "Food for my pregnant wife, yes. Not you."

"Ah come on, Addison's going to take forever since she insists on unpacking and decorating her office herself. Give me a snack too."

"Give him those wheaty things I don't like." Meredith chimed in mumbley with her mouth full.

"No, those wheaty things are for you and our baby."

"But I don't like them."

"Then I don't want them" Mark exclaimed loudly, "gimme the chocolate chip good kind." Mark whined.

"Oh god." Derek groaned reaching for the drawer and pulling out another granola bar and throwing it at Mark just to shut him up. "I have to a pregnant wife and a best friend stuck in a teenager's body."

"You love us Shep." Mark winked using Meredith's line from earlier as Derek rolled his eyes watching as Mark followed the same routine Meredith just did minutes before. Unwrapping the foil and shoving the granola bar into his mouth. With Mark occupied, Derek turned his attention back to his wife.

"Meredith what happened this morning?" Derek asked again, not forgetting her reaction meant it wasn't a good one.

"I think I need to be stupid." She blurted out while she bit off another piece of her bar and Mark started choking on his due to her statement while Derek just looked on confused.

"Stupid? What?" Derek asked getting up from his chair and walking over to join her on the sofa. He gently lifted her legs up, sat down close to her side bringing her legs back down so he could massage her feet. "Explain." Derek said looking at her relieved face as he removed all the pain from her feet.

"I just know too much. Dr. Robbins asked me if I failed my intern year and that's why I knew about Hydronephrosis."

"Remember when Addison had that 2 months old ..." Mark butted in as Derek sent him a glare to shut up.

"That's it exactly! I remembered Addison's patient and the flashcards and knew too much I guess. She asked if this is my second time being an intern." She said with a frown.

"Even if it was your second time being an intern you'd still not knows that." Mark added in again while Derek tilted his head to look at him.

"Sorry." Mark mumbled "I'll just eat" he said taking another bite. Derek turned his head back to Meredith and softened his eyes seeing her hurt at someone thinking she wasn't smart enough to pass the first time. He knew she was confident and she was not ashamed at being the best, he also knew that her hormones were going to make her sensitive to a lot more things she'd never be sad about normally.

"You worked your ass off to pass med-school and your boards. You also had a lot of good tutors." He smiled a cocky smile thinking of himself "even that one over there." Derek teased nodding to Mark who know was keeping his mouth shut. As Meredith giggled a smile gracing her face as she hung on his every word. "You're going to know more than the rest, your attending probably didn't think you'd know more than her or as much. She thought you'd be just like the other interns who can barely insert a tube. I bet you shocked her and once that shock wears off, she'll trust and believe in your doctoring than anyone else. Just like me, Mark and Addison do. No questions needed to be asked. You and how not stupid you are is setting an amazing bar for interns." He winked as he finished his speech and leaned forward to kiss her gently and lightly before running his hand through her hair placing a stray hand behind her ear.

"Still want to be stupid?" he asked as she shook her head no and smirked at the cocky look on his face because he knew he got through to her and calmed her freak out.

"You know I don't." she smiled. "I still want lunch though." She moaned while rubbing her stomach.

"Mark, go get sooner or later fiancée. Tell her the pregnant woman is hungry and had a not fun morning."

"Fine." He whined getting up and opening the office door to leave to go get her. "But I'm only doing this because I've had all the sugar I could take for one day and I'm not talking about the baby stash of granola bars." He shot back as he departed.