146. Chapter 146

Derek continued to watch the surgery and noticed the little signs that it was wrapping up. Some nurses had stepped back and had started re-sterilizing instruments they had out on the trays, Dr. Robbins had checked the time clock and finally he noticed that Dr. Robbins was ordering her pediatrics resident to close up while she went to go to speak to the family. Meredith opted to stayed behind with the surgery, until the resident had finished closing. He smiled at that, his Meredith wanted to see this patient through and not prematurely go and speak to the family when their child was still on the table. Grabbing his files he have brought to read over, he ran down the gallery steps hoping to catch a moment alone with Meredith in the scrub room before having to run into his own OR for his scheduled cranionmity.

"Dr. Shepherd," he smiled as he entered the scrub room standing towards the back with a smile noticing instantly that she was not alone yet. Deciding to wait out the resident and scrub nurse that was at the sink with her. Meredith turned her back to glance at him from her scrubbing out hearing after hearing Derek call out for her, smiling before replying back.

"Dr. Shepherd." And then turning back around to continue her scrubbing out process.

Derek noticed that Meredith was staying at the sink while the nurse and resident had already finished up. The nurse first departed the room, smiling an unprofessional toothy grin at him and telling him goodbye. Derek saw Meredith eyebrows arch in response to that, but she stayed mum. The resident departed right after with a more professional nod of the head to acknowledge the department head being in the room.

Derek smiled at finally being alone, coming up behind his wife and wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her close to him and breathing her in.

Meredith leaned her head back against Derek's strong chest and sighing in contentment at the comfort being in his arms brought.

"You did amazing in there." Derek told her with pride breaking them both out of their silent moment.

"Thank you," she whispered shyly. "I didn't know you'd be up there." She giggled as from behind her unclasp her necklace holding her rings, dropping them in the palm of his hand and re-clasping her necklace back around her neck before lifting her hand and placing her rings back where they belonged.

"I thought you needed the moral support and I remember a certain wife always being up in the gallery when her husband needed her. I fully intend to always be in the gallery when you need me or whenever I get a chance."

"You are pretty amazing." She told him turning around in his arms, linking her hands behind his neck as he. "I think you rattled Dr. Robbins and the scrub nurse." She giggled

"Oh really? How so?"

"She didn't know that much about me, like who my husband was."

"Ah," Derek nodded in understanding now as to why the doctor would think Meredith had failed. The pediatric attending didn't link the names or started hearing the gossip of the intern married to the attended as of yet.

"So when she saw the famous head of the neurosurgery department, and from all accounts the future chief sitting up there in the gallery watching a routine peds surgery. She seemed a bit rattled, and then I think she figured it out when you waved at me. The scrub nurses on the other hand spent more time gawking at you. She had to repeat instructions more than once." Meredith disdainly added rolling her eyes.

"I didn't notice, I only had eyes for one person in that OR."

"Sweet taking will get you everywhere, Dr. Shepherd." She laughed.

"Don't you have a surgery?" she remembered as they walked out of the scrub room together, lifting his left hand up to her face to glance a look of the time on his watch.

"I'm on my way, I just didn't want you to finish up without seeing you first." He laughed at her antics.

"I'll bring my post-ops and watch you." She smiled.

"It's a date." He smiled kissing her on the cheek before jogging off towards his OR and she laughed at his running down the hallway.