147. Chapter 147

Meredith sighed as she looked out at the picturesque mountains in her view as she stood on the walkway bridge early the next morning at the hospital. She and Derek had come in early to meet Addison for their appointment and Derek had been paged already. There was no way she was going to have this appointment without him so she waited while looking at the skyline thinking back to the previous day's events.

Meredith and Derek had offered Mark and Addison to come over for dinner the previous night, but being their first day in Seattle they were exhausted from all the day's activities. They went home to their hotel to get settled in, they had told Meredith and Derek that until they find and are able to agree on a new place to live they'd be calling The Archfield home.

They had booked a long-term stay for at least the next month to get settled into Seattle life before moving.

Derek had joked to Meredith once they got home (and Mark and Addison were out of earshot) that he didn't think Mark nor Addison would be willing to give up hotel living life after getting used to the valet, room service and the personal dry cleaning service. Meredith had to agree, once you get used to hotel living going to live on your own was probably going to be tough for them. It's why Meredith and Derek had a list of ready to occupy apartments on a list before they even got on the plane out West. They agreed they'd live in the hotel until they picked an apartment and before they could even go and visit the first one, fate had intervened.

Bringing Meredith and Derek to their land which they instantly fell in love with and wanted to live on even if they had to camp out with a tent and sleeping bag. Luckily for Meredith that Derek though came up with the temporary home idea with the trailer. Within a week they had water, electricity and even a satellite all set up for the state of the art airstream Derek had picked out. Meredith rolled her eyes remembering when he showed her the image and features of their new temporary home. Of course her husband had picked out the most lavish and state of the art trailer there was to offer. He insisted on if he was going to live in a trailer they were going to live in the best, boasting about the space and kitchen appliances. She insisted that they weren't going to live in their long, but in the end she had lost out to what Derek's mom called it "boys and their toys" syndrome.

They wanted a home, they wanted a new life together. She smiled as she placed her hand on her baby bump smiling and then frowning thinking of Mark and Addison's life. They wanted to live on a permanent holiday in a hotel. Mark and Addison wanting that made her a little apprehensive on if they were going to stay in Seattle and that's why they didn't want roots. Living in the hotel gave them the easy out to go back to New York when necessary, on Mark's side living in the hotel made it not serious for him. It prolonged him from asking Addison to marry him, prolonged settling down in life and putting those roots down that scared him.

"Hey, penny for your thoughts." Derek whispered coming up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist surprising her causing her to jump.

"You startled me." She pouted.

"You were a million miles away staring out there." He said worriedly brushing his finger tips along her cheekbone.

"Just thinking of our new life and Mark and Addison's new life, while waiting for you…hey! You were paged on a consult, you couldn't finish already it's only been 10 minutes." She exclaimed.

"I passed it down to Dr. Truex, he'll page me if there's any major problems. There was no way I was going to let us be late for meeting this little guy." He smiled as his hand joined hers resting on her stomach.

"Little guy huh? Well let's go see how right you are about that." She laughed as they joined hands and headed towards the elevator bay to go on up together to obstetrics.