148. Chapter 148

Meredith and Derek excitedly made it up to Addison's floor and saw her new secretary organizing her desk. Meredith giggled at how the secretary looked rattled, Addison was nothing if not crazy about her organization. All the files, all the pens, all the coffee mugs, all have to be placed in its Addison designated location and not deter from that spot. If she saw a pen not in its right cup holder she'd freak out. Which made Meredith wonder how in the world she lived with pig sty Mark at home, no wonder they didn't want to leave the hotel which had people pick up after Mark's dropping of the towels and mess in the room.

"Morning, we've got an appointment with Dr. Montgomery." Meredith heard Derek say and smile to the secretary as she just gawked at him and stumbling for a minute before responding "right, right Dr. Shepherd and oh…" she stumbled again looking at Meredith.

Meredith decided to help the girl out "and Mrs. Shepherd" she informed her as matter of factly she could without seeming mean at the fact she was eyeing up her husband. Meredith was used to it, but Derek was smirking and the last thing she needed this morning was his ego being boosted.

|Right, Mrs. Shepherd. You can go in Dr. Montgomery said to send you in as soon as you got there something about having to do it before you're intruded." The nursed told them.

"Thank you." Meredith replied while moving into Addison's exam room adjacent to her office that the nurse had pointed to.

"You're a bit …" Derek started out to say with a sparkle in his eye while they entered the private room.

"Not a word! Mr. I don't want even want the doctor to see your pregnant wife's pregnant parts." Meredith exclaimed back, shutting him up instantly and waving her finger at him. "I'm big, pregnant and hormonal. Watching women eye you up and down not what was on my agenda this morning."

"Ok." He said while trying to stifle back his laughter at her mood swings while she glared at him as meanly as she could muster considering how much she loved him.

"Hush! Now help me get into this stupid gown, making other people wear them is one thing. I don't like putting them on for myself." She said opening the sterile gown and looking at the flimsy material held by 2 strings.

Derek helped her tie the gown on the back and lifted her to sit up on the exam table as he held her hand and they sat in silence as they waited for Addison to join them. A few moments later she hustled into the room with an unnamed file folder with the name "Mahoney, MD."

Derek looked at her and the file in confusion. "We're the Shepherds, Addi." He laughed as she shook her head at his silly joke.

"I know that Derek." She told him as she rolled her eyes. "I also know that only after being here for less than forty-eight hours that Meredith ran the pit by herself the only intern to ever do so, that Mark yelled out jailbait in the middle of the hall when he showed up, that Meredith is your star pupil diagnosing patients by herself while you put others in the OR on blast. I know that all the nurses think "you're so dreamy and ohmygod the best man ever." She said as rolling her eyes before continuing on. " I also know that you have a new house with walls that Meredith gushed about one day in the elevator having and do you two know why I know all these things?" She asked flusterly as both Meredith and Derek looked at her in amusement knowing she was going to tell them anyway.

"Because this entire place has some bizarre fascination with all things Shepherds. It's like the two of you are the prom king and queen, the most popular kids in high school. So I figured put the maiden name on record, but I can't put Grey because everyone here knows all about that too. Right down to the fact that she showed up while Meredith was dressed in skinny jeans and a hot sweater. So I put Mama Shepherds maiden name on the file would be a better way to treat the two of you unless you want the entire hospital to know what you're having before you can tell anyone in New York." She continued her rant glaring at Derek.

"Good call Addi," Meredith smiled nodding her head, while still trying to hold back the laughter from Addison's rant. While Derek decided just to say nothing at all and try not to laugh.

"Are you ready?" Addison asked finally settling down in her chair and pulling out the file folder that had Derek's mom's maiden name on it and pulling out standard forms of questions to ask them before they got to the fun ultrasound part.

"We're ready." Derek replied squeezing Meredith's hand and glancing at her with a beaming smile.