150. Chapter 150

"Boy," Meredith smiled at she still stared at the screen and then shook her head in disbelief. "We're having a boy, a little Derek." She giggled.

"Oh gosh, 2 of them? A little clone of Derek." Addison moaned as she got up. "I'm going to leave the two of you with Derek Jr., I'll get your DVD and new vitamin prescriptions and I'll be back." Addison told them as she quickly departed the room.

"Don't even think about it." Meredith giggled looking at Derek's smirking face as Addison left the room and Derek processed Addison's comments.

"Think about what?" He asking coyingly.

"Derek Jr., that's what. I saw the way your eyes lit up when she said it." Meredith laughed.

"It's a good name, it's my boy. You know how rare it is for Shepherds to have boys and we got one on the first try. A legacy Mere to carry on the name, my parents are going to love us the best." He boasted with pride. Meredith laughed at his ego but also knew he was right, Carolyn and Christopher Shepherd's only son, giving them a grandson would be special to them.

"He's perfect and special, everyone's going to love him." She whispered turning back to the screen.

"But we're still not naming him after you, that will just give you more of a complex and we don't need that." She giggled.

"We have to give him a unique name, for him that's perfect."

"DJ? That's special" Derek smirked as Meredith rolled her eyes.

"No. They'll be no living with you if you get to name our little boy right after you."

"Fine," Derek gave in mockingly both knowing he was never really serious about Derek Junior.

"Ryan?" he tried out.

"Too common." She said back. "Spencer?"

"Don't like it, how about Jason?"

"Still too common, he needs a name that goes with Shepherd. One that says who he is, where he came from." She whispered.

"We can get one of those baby books." Derek offered.

"No, I want to do this on our own. Just us finding the perfect name for your heir." She smiled teasing him.

"Well you said no to Derek." He joked.

"It needs to be something close, not Derek but starts with 'D' to take after his daddy and symbolizing his first born son. Your parents would love an Irish name too." She talked out loud in concentration thinking about what she wanted her son's name to be about. "We would be able to tell him that his names starts with 'D' to take after you and his name is Irish to honor your parents." She thought out loud as Derek just looked on in pride of how special his wife was.

"We need a book, Mere."

"We don't need a book." She slapped his shoulder playingly. "We're 2 doctors, we are not getting a book, we'll sit right here till we get a name."

"Want me to call Richard to let him bump my surgeries?" Derek laughed wondering how long really she was going to sit there.

"No, I want you to help." She groaned

"Irish names that start with D, Irish names that start with D." He thought out loud. "Dane?"

"That's a dog, Derek."

"It would go with Shepherd. Patrick? Darryl?"

"Is that even Irish?"

"I don't know," Derek laughed.

"I got it!" Meredith squealed."Devin." She whispered placing her hand over her baby bump to see if it fit him.

"Devin Shepherd." Derek tried out smiling also at how it fit.

"It's perfect, He is perfect." Derek looked at the image frozen on the screen, thinking about fishing trips, little league games and all the things he'll be able to do and teach his son. His Devin. Probably his little Devin the spitfire devil if he's anything like his mother.

"With your hair and your blue eyes, he's going to be just like his daddy." Meredith smiled. Knowing Derek couldn't want to take their son out on his first fishing trek, or swim in the lake, all the things his father did with him.

"No matter who he takes after, he'll be perfect because he's ours. A little of you and me."