151. Chapter 151

"She wouldn't let you have Derek Junior would she?" Mark chuckled as he happily sat in Derek's office later that morning when Derek told him that it was indeed a boy and that he already had a name. Meredith and Derek had finished their appointment with Addison on time before Meredith's shift was ready to start. She had gone to change and get ready to meet the patient they had that day. Derek had an afternoon surgery that he had requested Meredith for, not wanting to spend this special day without her by his side. Bailey begrudgingly agreed to his request since the Chief had ordered her to spend more time in Neuro.

"No she wouldn't, but he's got a "D" and "e", that's enough after his dad's name." Derek pridley told Mark. "It's Irish, she wanted a name to fit the family and make them happy too, but also wanted to have him be unique. She did a good job." He continued to beam with pride.

"You mean the book did a good job." Mark added.

"No book." Derek informed him.

"What? No book? You're kidding man, each sister was glued to those things going through all gazillion pages for each kid and Meredith just picked out like that?"

"Yep, my wife is pretty amazing. She was adamant on no book, I think she was sick of that book naming process as we all were after dozen more times we had to go through it." Derek laughed.

"Your brother in laws are going to hate you, not only a boy on the first go, but you didn't have the 6 months of hell with a hormonal pregnant wife following you around with names books badgering you for you to pick one." Mark laughed.

"I know, I'm very lucky and they'll hate me more when I let them know all about how my wife picked a name in a few minutes without any book." Derek laughed back with glee as Mark shook his head.

"A boy, we've got to get him into baseball. We can take him to Marnier games every time the Yankees come." Mark told Derek as Derek nodded in agreement.

"Heck, we'll take him to the stadium anytime a team from the east coast comes." Mark added.

"Who are you taking to the stadium?" Meredith asked walking into the office with a smirk on her face knowing they were talking about Devin.

"Squirts first trips to see baseball." Mark told her.

"Squirt? He has a name Mark." Meredith jokingly rolled her eyes as she moved over to the sofa and sank down on it, resting her aching back before she and Derek went to meet the patient and she had to stand for surgery.

"I heard he had a name and that he got it without months of books." Mark smirked as Meredith groaned.

"I think Carly drove me insane with the last one, she'd text me in class with names every single day because Matt in her words was an idiot who wouldn't help her pick any good names. Sam used to bring the book to the movies and shopping. I promised myself I'd not even look at one of those things when it was my time. I probably heard every name possible from the 12 pregnancies I had to endure with the books too." She laughed as she then got quiet. Realizing that while she was there for all her sisters' babies except for the first three from before she met Derek, they won't get to be here like that.

"Hey, you know they'll be descending like flocks coming soon enough." Derek told her knowing that she was missing his sisters now, as annoying as they could be, they shared a bond with Meredith and he loved that his sisters love her so much like their own.

"They wouldn't let you do this without all of them annoying us, the mail man hates us already. Not to mention the delivery men." Derek laughed as Meredith smiled back knowing he was right.

"You're right and I'm sure you hope Matt and the rest of the guys come so you can show them your man room and our land. Oh, and may be gloat about Devin." She giggled.

"Oh he can't wait that long." Mark added in.

"He's right, when we call all the family tonight I'll start gloating instantly." He laughed as his pager went off.

"Ready to work boys?" she asked them. Knowing that Derek's patient was here and ready now to meet.

"I guess that is what I moved to this rainy city for, see you later Shepherds and Squirt." Mark waved as he left Derek's office. Derek came over from the desk and held his hand out for Meredith to hold onto and lift her from the sofa.

"Thank you." She told him

"Let's go meet our patient." He told her as he placed his hand firmly on her lower back he knew was going to give her trouble for support. As she sighed happily and leaned back into his hand loving the relief it gave her.

"Can you do that in surgery?"

"Might be a little hard to do."

"I figured." They bantered as they walked down the hall together towards their patient's room.