152. Chapter 152

"Yes Mom, I promise I will call you with any questions I have day or night. Yes Derek's been very good to me. No he's not complaining, yes you raised him very well. No Dad doesn't need to give him a talking to. I'm not just saying that because he's sitting here watching me, I promise. " Meredith giggled as Derek rolled his eyes as he tapped his fingers on his desk while Meredith lay on the couch with her blackberry glued to her ear. He had made the mistake of suggesting to Meredith they call his mom before their afternoon surgery to give her the news before she accidently found out from Mark. He should have known a quick conversation with telling her the news and her saying congratulations was not going to happen.

Now Meredith had been on the phone for the past twenty-five minutes discussing everything from shades of blue booties to all the types of cravings that boys give you compared to girls. Meredith listened and loved every part of talking to his mother, but Derek noticed their time was getting limited. He didn't think the patient or OR would take kindly to them being late for surgery because they were talking to his mommy. It sounded pretty crazy just saying it to himself in his head.

Derek was grateful that his dad was still working at the hospital and that none of the girls had unexpectedly stopped by or else he knew he'd have to push the surgery or hang up on his mother and make a run for it to the OR. However the second that he and Meredith had told his mother that it was a boy and his Irish name his mom paged his dad at the hospital to tell him the news that he was getting a grandson to carry on his name. Despite the fact his dad was in surgery he answered the page almost instantly and passed along a message via a nurse that he couldn't be happier and that he'd call himself the second he was finished up. Derek loved that they were so excited about their little boy, he knew this would be a special grandchild for them. But as he glanced at his watched and raised his eyebrows he was going to have to cut off the excitement for now.

"Mere..." he whispered getting her attention and tapping on his watch to give her a signal to wrap it up and that they had to go. She nodded her head up and down to acknowledge his signal hearing her start to try and let his mom go. "Mom, Derek's tapping his watch, we have to get to surgery." He heard Meredith tell his mother as his eyes got wide at her ratting him out. "You're not supposed to tell her that." He exclaimed as he heard Meredith laugh out loud at both him and presumingly what his mother was telling her.

"Yup, that attending I have is such a slave driver." She giggled some more as Derek just shook his head.

"Yes, I'll let him know that Dad will call later to talk. No, I don't expect you to keep it a secret from the girls, you can tell them all it'll make it easier for me. I'm sure they'll be calling as soon as they can too. If I need you I promise I won't hesitate to tell you to come, I'm sure. We love you too, bye mom." Derek heard her finally say while pressing end on her phone and getting up off the couch.

"She's so happy and she thinks Dad even more so. She thinks we should come visit before my final trimester, what do you think?" she asked chewing her lip as she came to sit on his lap. Derek wrapping his arms around the two most important people in his life.

"That would be perfect, I know you want to see the girls and experience this with them. We can work it out with our schedules and I was thinking of a real vacation too. May be we can leave from New York. We had planned on it for your intern vacation but you'll be ready to give birth by then."

"Derek, I can't go to the beach looking like a whale." Meredith rolled her eyes at him.

"You won't look like a whale, you'll look like a gorgeous pregnant woman."

"I'll look like Shamu." She told him deadpanned.

"But you'll be my Shamu." He laughed as she smacked his shoulder. "You'll relax, get sun, and enjoy the pool. It'll be just what you need especially after my sisters' drag you shopping all over town."

"Grr." She groaned knowing he was right, they'll be lots of excitement with them returning back and that means no rest time for the pregnant girl.

"You're right, the beach will be heaven and I'll need it." She agreed as he nodded before placing a kiss on her neck. "We have to go he mumbled" his lips still resting on the spot he kissed.

"Save lives and all that."

"Yes, then you'll need to rest for that phone is going to be glued to your ear all night long." He told her as her eyes sparkled. "I can't wait."