153. Chapter 153

"No I'm pretty sure we'll find a crib here in Seattle Sam," Derek told his sister as he rolled his eyes. He and Meredith had been home for only ten minutes before the phones started ringing, all he had time to do was put some chicken on their temporary bbq outside since their outdoor kitchen wasn't done yet before the phones started going off. His cell phone, her cell phone and the home phone. He looked helpless at her and chose to let her get her cell and he'd get the other two. His dad was on his cell and he didn't keep him long knowing the torture of his younger sister Samantha would inflict on him since she was the home phone caller. Meredith lay on the great room sofa listing to Derek's older sister OB Nancy who was currently giving Meredith an earful on pregnant patients she had and giving her tips. It's not that Nancy didn't trust Addison's doctoring but Nancy wished she was there for her sister-in-law and her future nephew on the way. She just was more overprotective when it came to one of her sisters and her family. Derek hoped Nancy wasn't scaring her, but as he heard Meredith giggling he knew she was appeasing Nancy's overproctectiveness and was going to accept all her advice. While Derek had zoned out Sam had gone back to the crib talk, "no no no we don't need a special New York crib. Samantha, I'm serious! I better not wake up tomorrow from a FedEx guy delivering some huge designer crib from Manhattan on my doorstep." He warned her. "Yes I want the best for my son, but that doesn't mean I can't go find my own crib. What do you mean I won't be able to put it together, I am a neurosurgeon you know." He argued back.

"The best in country Sam!" He heard Meredith yell from the next room that he couldn't help laugh. Then he heard her flippantly tell Nancy that she was just helping with his fight with Sam.

"You know what, we'll have this fight later. Why? Because Sam unlike where you are it's not nine o'clock its dinner time and I have to feed my pregnant wife who is probably really hungry. We have months before we need a crib, fine fine you can send clothes. Yes all the clothes you want go for it, just no large pieces of furniture please. Thank you. Yes you can talk to Meredith after dinner. Love you too bye." Derek exhaled happily as he hung up the phone and went back to his land outside to tend to his grill. He loved his family but it's times like these when he stood outside on his forty acres of land in Seattle, his dream house and no neighbors, skyscrapers or horns honking for miles and miles that he was so happy to be living on the opposite coast from them all.

He loved the peace and serenity he felt here on his land and he loved that he would raise his son here in this atmosphere. Not in the atmosphere he and Meredith both grew up in with the busy always running city.

"Hey" he heard Meredith whisper as she came up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist and linking her hands resting her head against his back.

"Hey, dinner will be ready soon. I put some potatoes on to grill and some vegetables too." He gloated knowing she wasn't going to like that one.

"Sounds yummy." She smiled against his back too tired from all the talking and the busy day to even fight him on the veggies.

"You're going to eat them without a battle?"

"Yes I am, you can thank your sister for tiring me out and for scaring me into eating every healthy thing there is. You wouldn't believe the horror stories she told me. I'm not taking any chances, right Devin? Plus considering he's likely to be your clone he's going to love the healthy stuff anyways." She giggled.

"That's right, they'll be two of us to out vote you on eating healthy."

"Uh oh, in that case we're going to have to make sure the next one is a girl to even the teams."

"I love you talking about our next one already." he whispered quietly as they both faced the sprawling hills and land watching the sunset.

"Well whatever I say when I'm in labor I won't mean it. I'm telling you from now. Kath and Nancy said some bad words when they were in labor and they still had more when the time came." She laughed remembering how they were refusing anymore children and threatened murdering of their husbands.

"Well they're not as good husbands as I am, so I'm not expecting any threats while in labor." Laughed Derek as she just shook her head and took in the view as he finished up their dinner and brought it inside for them to enjoy before the next batch of calls came in.
