154. Chapter 154

"I swear I'm going to go gray just wondering what will show up next on my doorstep. We have enough clothes for triplets, there are clothes for every month up to two years old. There are clothes if he's born prematurely, there's clothes if he's tall and if he's short. " Derek told Mark weeks later as they walked into the cafeteria to grab some coffee. "We have a wad of cash in the kitchen that's called the tip the delivery men money because we see them so often."

"Don't whine to me you're the one who gave Sam free reign and of course she relayed the message. You had to know they'll go crazy especially without any supervision." Mark laughed.

"I was trying to get her off my back about mailing a crib and furniture out here. I thought the clothes were the lesser evil. I think I was wrong."

"Don't complain and be glad you're not opening up your door to see an antique armoire sitting there." Mark laughed then sobering after thinking about it. "I totally see Nancy or Sam doing that. You better get furniture soon. Especially before you leave on your trip."

"Don't worry we're on it, Meredith's got it covered. She did though tell mom she could help with the rocking chair, so I'm expecting that on my doorstep."

"I am wondering if he'll need a walk in closet though" Derek laughed.

"You might, just wait until Meredith arrives and they do the whole girly shower thing. Jail bait will hate it and you'll know they'll go overboard." Mark told him.

"Don't I know it, did you and Addi put in for your leave?" Derek asked Mark absent mindly. His mother had wanted a full family weekend together since Meredith and Derek were coming and that included her honorary son Mark. She was demanding he get vacation also to come home.

"Yes and it wasn't easy since Addi and I have barely worked here long enough to get a vacation already. We'll fly out on the red eye Friday and come back Sunday night. I think the Chief is a little antsy about 3 of his department heads and his number one intern being in New York together at the same time."

"Scared we all won't return." Derek laughed.

"Exactly, he'll be popping Tums until we all come back." Mark laughed.

"I swear, it's the cutest little onesie. Nancy got it from Bendell's and it's got even little bootie feet that can unsnap." Meredith gushed on her cell phone to youngest of the Shepherd sisters, Carly. As she waited in the locker room for Dr. Bailey to hand out the assignments of the day. The other interns sat around changing, eating, and trying to act like they weren't eavesdropping on her conversation but Meredith was having a great morning and was so happy she was days away from going back home to see her family that she couldn't stop talking to them.

"I'm all packed already for both trips, but don't worry left lots of room for whatever we buy. No he still won't tell me where we're going." Meredith laughed at her not finding out Derek's surprise location for their week at the beach together. "All I know is that's an island we haven't been to before. Gotta go Car, talk to you later." She whispered as she saw Bailey open the door and enter the room looking grumpy shooting Meredith a warning glance about the phone call.

"Yang, you've done a grand total of zero hours on OB and neonatal, so go and find Montgomery you're with her until I say so." Bailey barked at her as her eyes as well as all the eyes of the rest of the interns widened. "Poor Dr. Montgomery" Meredith heard Izzie mutter behind her as Meredith nodded her head agreeing with the sentiment.

"Dr. Stevens, you've done a grand total of zero hours on cardiothoracic, so go and find Dr. Burke." Meredith turned to look at Izzie with sympathetic eyes telling her sorry since she knew working with him wasn't going to be fun.

"Dr. O'Malley, you've done a grand total of zero hours on neurosurgery, so go and find Dr. Shepherd." Bailey told George while he glanced at Meredith then back down to his shoes nodding but also looking scared.

Dr. Karev, do you know what I'm going to say to you?" Dr. Bailey asked him.

"Pediatrics?" Alex said rolling his eyes.

"Dr. Karev, you've done a grand total of zero hours on pediatrics, so go find Dr. Robbins."

"She'll be the one with wheels on her feet." Meredith whispered to him as Alex looked perplexed at what she said.

"And Dr. Shepherd…" Dr. Bailey said finally getting to Meredith as Meredith quickly thought in her head what she hadn't done. She did general, she did Neuro, she did Cardio and Peds, and she was Addison's first intern on Addison's second day at Seattle Grace. Oh!" She realized smiling at what field she hadn't accumulated any hours in. This was going to be a fun day she thought.

"You've done a grand total of zero hours on plastic surgery, so go find Dr. Sloan." She said finally as all the interns filed out of the locker room on a hunt for their attending for the day, Meredith suspected that her attending of the day was in the office of her husband.