155. Chapter 155

Meredith grabbed one cappuccino, a regular coffee and a decaf tea for herself from the ground floor coffee cart before heading up to Derek's office. Her first and probably only stop on her quest for Mark. She often wondered what Dr. Webber was paying Mark for since so far he's spent more time socializing in Derek's office than she's seen him actually and physically work./ She hoped she didn't have to set up his office for him today, that wouldn't be fun.

Lately her morning sickness had subsided which helped her put in more hours. She didn't need to go running for the restrooms or stay curled in bed because she couldn't move anymore. Now she was feeling herself again, just herself that ate a lot more and had some funky cravings. So far she still didn't need to send Derek anywhere far, she had urges for nachos with cheese in the middle of the night but that was easily accomplished with stuff they bought at the grocery store. Another day she had woken up wanting soup for some reason which was weird for her because she only had soup when she was catching a flu and it was always Derek's' moms special cure homemade soup. Meredith giggled remembering the look on Derek's face when she said she wanted soup, the thought of having to either fly the soup in or him have to go get it crossed his mind before Meredith relieved him by saying she just wanted a can from their pantry.

She knew without a doubt that if she wanted mom's soup he would have found a way to get it she smiled as she entered Derek's office without knocking and seeing what she predicted. Mark in his scrubs and lab coat sitting in Derek's guest chair with his feet propped up on Derek's desk while her husband read a chart with a pen in hand and phone in the other.

She wondered if George had already been up here to find Derek and left as she glanced around not seeing him anywhere.

Derek finished his phone consult as Meredith was passing Mark his cappuccino and placed Derek's coffee in front of him while she sat at the edge of his desk not wanting to talk and interrupt Derek's phone conversation.

"Mmmm" Mark moaned taking a sip of his drink. "Just what I needed to get this dreary day started Jailbait. How do you get used to all the rain? It's making me depressed." He said as she shook her head silencing him as Derek rolled his eyes and finished his phone conversation.

"What?" Mark said. "He was finishing up anyways."

"Don't you have your own office with your own furniture to put your feet on?" Derek chastised as he took a sip of his coffee Meredith had brought him.

"Yes, but it's lonely and I don't get cappuccino delivered to me." He laughed as Meredith shook her head.

"I am your intern today, hence the cappuccino delivery. That's apparently what your interns do for you."

"Stupid interns, you don't fall under that category and the ones who mess up coffee orders have to pick up my dry cleaning."

"Glad to hear you're teaching the interns well." Derek sarcastically told him. "My wife isn't doing your errands."

"I wouldn't have Jailbait do errands, she can actually work on cases unlike the other fools." He joked as he got up heading to the door, "Meet me in five at the nurses' station, to meet our patient. It's a doozy." He told her as he left Derek's office with both Meredith and Derek just shaking their heads at Mark's antics.

"You looked happy" as you came in here, "glowing even." He smiled as she sunk down on the vacated chair Mark left while cradling her tea.

"I was thinking how lucky I was to have you as my husband."

"Oh, by all means continue to think that and feel free to tell everyone." He boasted as she giggled.

"I heard all the horror stories from Nancy and the girls last night, how the guys would hide or refuse to get the cravings they wanted. I lucked out and I know no matter what it is you would go to the ends of the earth to make me and Devin happy." She told him honestly while tearing up.

"I love you, and I love Devin and I'd go to Mexico if you wanted Nachos from there instead of the grocery store." He told her honestly.

"Hmmm don't tempt me." Meredith laughed. "I need to go see what patient your best friend has lined up for me, if he's calling it a doozy I should be scared." She said as she got up and leaned into him, her fingers tracing a soft path in his hair as she kissed him goodbye.

"Can I entice you to stay?" Derek asks huskily his hand wrapping up into her own locks, holding her head close to his own. "Dr. Bailey ordered me to work in plastics and ordered Dr. O'Malley to work with you."

"Grrr." He groaned. "Fine, but you me and lunch here and no Mark."

"It's a date." She whispered before leaning into kiss him again before she set off to locate Mark at the nurses' station.