156. Chapter 156

When Meredith reached the nurses' station, she caught Mark chatting with a nurse. Raising an eyebrow to just stare and wait for him to realize she was standing there.

"Dr. Shepherd..." Mark boomed when he finally noticed her standing there tapping her foot impatiently. Grabbing the nearby chart and bidding the nurse a bye before heading down the hall motioning for Meredith to come with. "Melanie there was telling me about getting used to the rain."

"I bet. She was. New world renowned attending, trust me I know all about how sociable the nurses can be. I'm sure the male nurses are just as accommodating with Addi." Meredith smirked to Mark watching his face fall at that thought as they came to a stop outside their patients room and she pushed open the door to walk in, leaving Mark still frozen in his spot in the hall way.

"You're kidding right?" he said as he finally snapped out of it and came into the patient's room.

"I hope you're not joking about my surgery Dr. Sloan, because I've very serious." The male patient said to him as Meredith looked closely and scrutinize a bit more she saw the female patient, a female pregnant looking patient.

"No, no not at all Gabby."Just a joke Dr. Shepherd here made out in the hall, "right Dr. Shepherd?" Mark said wanting an answer.

"Right, of course." Meredith smirked while using a tone to show Mark that she was just patronizing him and didn't believe her response anymore than he did while taking the chart to see what procedure they were performing here.

"You would not believe this!" Meredith ranted as she barreled into Derek's office a couple hours later at lunch time. Noticing him sitting on the couch waiting for her with takeout burgers from Emerald City Bar across the street, grabbing some fries too munch on and not even giving him time to speak or utter a hello she continued on.

"The patient, the doozy patient of Marks he was talking about. Get this! She's a woman, with a really short haircut that made me first think she was a man, but a woman who wants liposuction, so I'm sure you're thinking now by the look on your face is why would a woman wanting liposuction and going to a plastic surgeon be a big deal." She continued as Derek just nodded his head, "it's why she wants liposuction she wants it because she's pregnant and think she's too fat! Can you believe that, she is crazy, crazy people can't have babies. I told Mark to call psych and he refused saying she's just here for a consult. Aren't you supposed to call psych? He doesn't seem all concerned." She huffed out grabbing more fries to eat as Derek sat there to see if she really wanted him to answer that or if she'd continue on again.

"Well? Aren't you?" she probed when she noticed he wasn't answering her, giving him the go ahead to speak now.

"I think a psych consult would be the right thing to do, it's not safe to do an invasive procedure like that with these circumstances and it poses health risks to the baby. Didn't he call Addison in for a consult? To have her shoot it down instantly to the mother?"

"Not yet, I think he's too scared I'll tell her I saw him chatting up some overly friendly nurse." She muttered while rolling her eyes.

"You sure had an eventful morning." Derek laughed.

"Tell me about it, I think I rather be on cardio than deal with all this drama." She said before grabbing her burger and then moaned at how wonderful it tasted as she took her first bite.