159. Chapter 159

Days later the airport cab sat idling on their driveway as Derek brought out the bags while Meredith ran around making sure everything was locked up and turned off. She had already checked and rechecked the irons, appliances, all the doors and windows. Yet she insisted on making a final go through to make sure she didn't miss anything. She didn't want any raccoons crawling into the house or anything getting wet from the Seattle rains.

Derek locked the garages and made sure the cars were safe and secure, as Meredith finally emerged wearing a fitted track suit and flip flops looking very comfortable for a cross country flight. She had shoved her own pillow and travel blanket in a big carry on which also held more than Derek think she'd need. Tons of snacks, chips, cookies, granola bars even. Not to mention books, magazines and other electronic devices to occupy her time. He had a feeling she had already started nesting by becoming a pack rat for this trip.

"Ok, iron's off, fridge is pretty much empty, balcony doors are locked, back doors locked. You took care of the cars. Passports check. All bags check." She rambled on in thought looking at a long list of paper which she was reading though.

"Mere, you've covered all the bases. The house will be fine." Derek halted her ramble before she read the entire list out to him.

"I just don't want the house to burn down while we're gone."

Derek laughed and shook his head at her fear over leaving the house. "The house will be right where it is when we come back and even more so because the crew will be working while we're gone. It'll be even better when we get back, you'll see.

"Okay." She huffed out. "Let's go." She mumbled taking Derek's hand and glancing another look back before walking with him to the patiently waiting driver to start their journey to the airport.

Meredith despite leaving the house and getting into the car still worried and thought up new questions on her list to ask Derek as they proceeded to the airport.

"Are you sure you programmed the TiVo right?"

"Yes Mere, it's all set."

"All the lights were off except the ones we were going to leave on?"


"I'm sorry I know I'm annoying you." She sighed before resting her head on his shoulder.

"Don't be." He whispered kissing the top of your head. "You're just making sure we didn't miss anything and we are going to be gone for a couple weeks."

Meredith and Derek arrived with plenty of time for their flight. Derek paid the driver and grabbed both suitcases and Meredith's massive carry-on. While Meredith carried Derek's briefcase laptop bag which turned out to be lighter to carry than her own bag.

"I can help more, give me a bag." She whined as she followed him into the terminal towards the airline counter.

"They're too heavy for you to pull. You have the tickets, passports and boarding passes in the side pocket of that bag, you take care of that."

"Your strong husband will handle all the bags." Derek joked as Meredith rolled her eyes.

Being in first class had its perks, like no line up wait for them to check their luggage. The passports and boarding passes were checked and the luggage was quickly taken as they proceeded through security and to the special lounge for them as they waited to board and be on their way back home for the first time since starting their new life in Seattle.