158. Chapter 158

"St. Tropez?"


"Coast of Italy"





"No. We've been there before more than once." Derek said rolling his eyes as he continued to read his medical journal he had been engrossed in.

"Hmm St. Thomas?"

"No, been there too."

"Wait…you said no we've been there before. So does that mean it's somewhere we haven't been before?

"No, it means nothing."

"It does, doesn't it? That's a clue, somewhere new we haven't been before."

"I'm not giving you any hints no matter how much you try to trick me."

Meredith had been throwing locations at Derek since after dinner. They both sad comfortable out on their back covered porch of their bedroom looking out at their land and experiencing the sun set over the water. Meredith had followed her plans and slept the second she got in the car, and until Derek woke her in bed for dinner. Knowing how exhausted she was he set dinner up on their balcony overlooking the under construction back yard so she wouldn't have to go far or down the stars for dinner.

After dinner, Meredith curled in Derek's lap to sleep again outside as he starting reading a medical journal enjoying the evening breeze and rustling of the trees. Meredith had since woken up with a burst of energy that had her very interested on knowing where they were going after New York.

"Hmmm somewhere we haven't been before." She thought out loud as she tried to figure out where it could be. All she knew and what Derek was willing to divulge is that she needed beach wear so she knew exactly what to pack. Also leaving room for the stuff she was going to buy while in New York.

"Belize?" She said out loud with no confidence in her voice, knowing that couldn't be it.

"Interesting location choice, but no."

"Even if I guess you're going to say no aren't you?"

"Yes." He laughed as he continued reading while she huffed with frustration.

"Fine, I'll just wait for you to give it away somehow."

"I never give it away."

"Yes you do, remember Thanksgiving to Bahamas!" she squealed out trying to prove him wrong.

"I gave away we were going on a trip, by being stupid and hiding the bags under the bed. That was the secret though, that we were going, not the location. You know we're going on a trip, it's not the secret this time." He teased while tapping her nose with his finger while taking his eyes off his article to look down at her pouting face.

"Do your sisters know?" she asked after minutes had passed and finally trying to go a different route in finding their destination. Derek started laughing the second the question had left her mouth.

"Of course not." He told her while still chucking. "The adore you more than me, they'd would have told you already if any of them knew."

"True." She agreed when they thought about it, if any of them knew then all of them would know and they would have had her on group calling in a flash.

"Your mom and dad?"

"I'll make this easy on your tired brain. Nobody knows, not even Mark and Addison. I know, that's it." He gloated.

"That means then I'll have to figure a way to get it out of you." She teased.

"Oh really?"

"Yes really, it could be fun."

"No matter what you do, I'm not telling you."

"We'll see about that." She slyly said as she slowly got up from his lap and seductively walked through the double French doors into their bedroom as Derek gaped at her before shaking his head, dropping his article and chasing after her into the bedroom.