161. Chapter 161

"I have no idea how you can always do that?" Derek asked Meredith as they sat in the plane 3 hours into their flight. Meredith had just woken up at the smell of dinner being served.

"Do what? Wake up just in time for food?" She giggled as Derek laughed thinking 'that too'.

"No, I'm talking about be fast asleep while the plane is starting up, going down the runway and taking off. Take off and landing is the worst part and you're in dreamland." Derek laughed as she blushed.

"I don't know how I do it. Taking off and landing just doesn't bother me. I don't feel it, just my sleep. I think the plane probably soothes me." She said as she looked out the window seeing nothing but clouds and darkness as the plane.

"I am holding on and reading the safety card, listening to the emergency instructions and you have a not a care in the world." He laughed.

"Shut up!" She laughed at him. "Why would I need to listen to all that when I have you? You'd save me. You listen and know everything and I just have to listen to you" She teased at him.

"That's true, it's why we're such a good pair." He teased her back.

"Yup, also helps sleep that these chairs are so soft and comfy." She sighed as she snuggled up into her chair some more and pulled her blanket higher over her. As Derek looked at her, seeing her look cute curled in her chair with her pillow and blanket.

"So what do you want to do first when we land?" Derek asked her, placing his hand on her knee and rubbing it back and forth to comfort her back to rest.

"Hmmmm get our bags." She giggled as Derek shook his head.

"After we leave JFK, what do you want to do first?"

"I want to go straight to moms and eat" she squealed excitedly. "Don't even pretend like you're not wanting a mom special meal. And I know she must be cooking all day long because her baby boy is coming home." Meredith giggled.

"Yeah right, more like her favorite daughter is coming home. I bet all the meals she cooked are your favorites, not to mentions you are giving her a Shepherd grandson to carry on the name, you're golden. After you came into her life all of us dropped a peg."

"I know, she adores me." Meredith gloated. Thinking about how special it feels to have Carolyn treat her like her own daughter from the moment they met. She went from an absent mother to one who cared so much about her well being. She even tried to ground her which the other kids all hated but Meredith took punishments with glee because she finally had someone who cared.

"What you thinking about?" Derek asked noticing she got quiet.

"Mom and home." She smiled as she grabbed his hand and linked her fingers through his. While they looked out the window awaiting for them to finally get back home.