162. Chapter 162

After the plane landed, Derek and Meredith slowly made their way to the baggage claim at the airport which was a long trek for a pregnant woman carrying a carry-on that was really over packed.

After waiting for their bags and collecting them, they made their way up to the car rental area, getting an SUV for the week before beginning the trek out to Derek's parent's house. It was fairly late at night and all the family were scattered in the tri-state area. Derek was fairly sure most of the sisters who lived in the city would be there until tomorrow night then all comes out together for the weekend.

He was only expecting his parents to be at the house in the country awaiting his and Meredith arrival. Looking over at her as she curled herself in a ball and was looking outside staring at all the familiar scenery on the expressway. It was that look on her face that probably made Richard worried when he heard they were going back home. She was beaming at all the familiar exits along the way to the very familiar route to their parent's home.

"Look it's the mall!" Meredith exclaimed excitedly pointing to the mall exit.

"It's dark how can you tell?"

"Because it's the mall, I know where it is even in the dark. Gosh I missed it so much, it looks the same."

"We haven't even been gone a year."

"Shut up, I'm reminiscing or whatever."She snapped with a smile on her face as Derek just laughed at her as he slowed reaching the exit to take them into his parent's quaint little town outside of the city. Meredith had started bouncing in her seat getting excited, he knew she'd be out the car door in seconds when he pulled into the drive way.

Proof to his thoughts, he turned into the quiet street and watched as Meredith stood up straighter, looking at the houses of all the neighbors she recognized.

"I have to go see Mrs. Kayes." She said with a smile as they passed the retired elderly lady's house who used to bring Meredith an apple pie whenever she was stayed at his family's for the weekend.

"Once she sees you, she's going to give you a dozen pies to bring home." Derek laughed as Meredith's eyes grew wide at the thought of Mrs. Kaye's apple pie.

"That sounds like heaven." She moaned as Derek made the turn into the driveway of his parents house as they both just sat there for a second soaking it all in. And like he knew she would, she swiftly unfastened her seat belt, throwing open the door and jogging towards the door as fast as her pregnant body will take her and before she could reach it seeing it open and his mom come out.

Meredith flew into her arms and they embraced like a real mother and daughter. Not like the spectacle that was Ellis's recent visit. Derek beamed as he slowly got out watching the scene unfold in front of him as he dad slowly came out onto the porch. Standing back watching them embrace just as Derek was. Meredith was home to the family she loved so much and she couldn't be happier.