163. Chapter 163

"Son" Chris Shepherd smiled as he saw Derek come up the steps, bags in hand watching the 2 important women in his life embrace.

"Dad." Derek smiled coming up and giving him a hug, as he saw his mother continue to ignore him and fawn over Meredith, placing a hand on Meredith's visible now baby bump.

"Nice to see you too mom." Derek joked sarcastically waiting by the door with his dad. Watching his mom laugh and roll her eyes as she finally let go of Meredith and took a step towards him.

"Oh shut up, and come here." Carolyn told him as she embraced Derek as Meredith watched on giggling at Derek's fake annoyance that his mother wasn't doting on him.

She knew Derek loved the fact she and his mother were so close, it was the one thing he was worried about when they first met and he brought her home the first time. His mother's approval, especially with Meredith being so young and Derek already done college. When his mother instantly warmed to her and took her into the family fold, it made him beyond happy. Although he teased and joked about it, the fact Carolyn loved her as much if not more than one of her own kids made him feel pride. She fit in not like an in-law like his sisters husbands, but like a real Shepherd.

"I can smell dinner from here." Meredith moaned in happiness as they all walked into the familiar surroundings. Seeing and feeling all the memories of home, the family photos on the wall, the baby pictures, wedding pictures and memories gracing all the rooms as they walked towards the kitchen to take a seat.

"Well I made all your favorites, and I know my girls' appetite and with my grand baby I'm sure you'll be even more hungry."

"You have no idea Mom, I've been hungry all the time. Derek's got a stash of food in his office and all of our lab coats." She tells them as they all laugh and sit down at the kitchen table.

"My office has become food central. Even Mark knows where the stash is and has been running in for food acting like it's the cafeteria."

"That's my Markie." Carolyn smiled as she got some plates for them and Chris got Derek a drink.

"I can't believe we're home." Derek smiled as he took a sip, cheersing with his dad as the four all sat down to eat.

"Neither can we, your sisters have been badgering your poor mother since they heard the news. I'm afraid for Meredith when they all get here on Friday. They have her every moment scheduled." Derek's dad told them as Meredith smiled at the thought and Derek scowled a tad.

"She's pregnant they'll have to take it easy on the crazy sister schedule."

"I'm sure it's nothing that bad Der, probably spas and shopping." Meredith smiled.

"I remember a shopping trip that ended up with you girls zip lining down a mountain." Carolyn added in as Meredith started laughing at the memory. Of the family vacation everyone was on that had an after of some daredevil activities while Mark, Derek and the rest of the guys were out fishing.

"That was while we were on vacation though and I was definitely wasn't pregnant then." Meredith laughed as the four continued to chat, laugh and reminisce.