164. Chapter 164

Hours went by while Meredith and Derek sat with his parents catching up on everything that had transpired over the past months they've been gone in Seattle. They had long left the kitchen and had comfortly retired to the family room to relax over tea and dessert laughing over stories from both coasts.

Derek's parents filled them in on all the antics of his nieces, nephews, brothers-in-laws, and especially all his sisters. He laughed at all the random disagreements and drama they have caused while they've been gone that he had no idea about, they have failed to tell him since he's a guy and their brother. Meredith being so close to them all though knew a lot of what had gone on while they've been in Seattle. Each sister would call Meredith to confide and Meredith would have to feign like she didn't know already. Meredith had long ago mastered keeping all the stories straight while Derek never could so nobody told him things.

Derek and Meredith in return filled his parents in on her pregnancy development and the stories of how Meredith and he figured it out, including the disguises and her freaking out. Everything new in their lives, from their new home, the trailer, construction, the demands of Meredith being an intern and she told them all the stories of her odd yet interesting fellow interns. They laughed at all the stories of Derek hazing them in the OR when they didn't know the answers and of their jealousy of how smart and ahead Meredith was.

They enjoyed the stories of Mark's visit and his move to Seattle along with Addison. He freak outs over trying to propose and his chickening out as well. His choosing to live in a hotel and his disdain for all the rain. Which Carolyn had already known about, Derek and Meredith found out that Mark called every few days whining about the rain and wanting her to mail him comfort food from home. They told her all about his flirty nurses and how he spent more time eating in Derek's office than doing any work in the hospital at all.

They enjoyed talking to each other in person so much again, however the long travelling, time changes and long evening were starting to take its toll on Meredith's pregnant body as she kept yawning and nodding off.

"Come on sleeping beauty" Derek whispered in her ear as Meredith's head lay on Derek's shoulder.

"Huh?" Meredith groggily said.

"We're going up to sleep now."

"No, not ready, talking still." She said looking at Carolyn and Chris not wanting to leave just yet to go up.

"You're falling asleep dear, don't worry we'll still be here when you wake up. I'll have a full breakfast waiting for you and my grandbaby." Carolyn told her as Meredith's eyes widened at the thought of a Shepherd breakfast.

"Pancakes?" she asked excitedly suddenly getting second wind as Derek and Chris laughed at how her sleepiness disappeared.

"Of course." Carolyn smiled as she and Chris got up and kissed Meredith on the forehead before telling her and Derek good night.

Derek looked at Meredith, slightly moving to get up and help her to her feet. As she stood and wrapped her arm around his waist and put her head back on his shoulder. "I love being home" she sighed as she snuggled deeper into him and they made their way up the stairs to their old room.