165. Chapter 165

"Poke her."

"No, she's pregnant we can't just startle her."

"Well one of you do something, he's all wrapped around her like an octopus how does she even breathe?"

"Oh my gosh guys, just whisper Mer!"

"Mer, Mer wake up!"

"Why is she not waking up? Did that grip hold he's got on her make her stop breathing?"

"She pregnant you fool, she just flew across the country and she thinks it's 3 hours earlier."

"No need to get all pissy Nancy. I haven't been pregnant a billion times like you."

"Carly, don't make me smack you on Mer's first day home."

"Both of you shut up, you forgot the plan is to wake and take Meredith not fight?"

"Please tell me this is a very bad nightmare" Derek groaned pulling Meredith closer to him and wrapping his arms even tighter. "I'm going to wake up and this won't be happening."

"Sorry little brother, but this is for real. But no worries, we're not here for you."

"Like I ever thought you would be Nancy." Derek muttered back.

Meredith groggily woke up at the familiar voices, slightly lifting her head and seeing the four familiar faces. Her face instantly awoke and broke out in a huge grin lighting her face. Derek could see her face light up from where he was burying himself into her and he couldn't help but smile himself at how happy she just became despite the fact his morning sleep was being disturbed and ruined.

"Weren't you four not supposed to show up until tomorrow?" he annoyedly said in a joking sarcastic tone.

"Like hell" Carly the youngest sassily said. "We just told Mom and Dad that to appease them since they lectured us so much on pregnant Meredith and not smothering her. You're lucky we didn't kidnap her from the airport last night like Sam had plotted.

"Hey, you were in on that plan don't throw me under the bus!" Sam argued back.

Meredith watched the banter like a tennis match going back and forth between all of them and she still hadn't said a word. She was just so happy to be back like this and hearing the familiar family bickering. She couldn't help it, she just started giggling at them and when they heard the familiar giggle all the back and forth stopped and they all just looked at each other.

"Well get over here already." Kath said with a smile with her arms opened, which was all the invitation Meredith needed. She pulled the covers off and climbed over Derek as he groaned and she flung herself into Kath's arms and they all huddled in a group around her in circle.

"I missed you guys so much." Meredith could be heard murmuring from the center of the group.

"We missed you too, you have no idea how much we have to tell you." Nancy said back. Derek groaned again taking his pillow and putting it over his head before mumbling "You talk every single day, you blackberry every little thing 'oh my gawd I got pretty boots at Neimans' what more can you have to tell her?"

"Lots" Sam said flatly to Derek.

"Let's get you dressed, we're going to breakfast." Kath told her.

"What about me?" Derek asked.

"You're not invited." Carly told him as all the girls giggled.

"Fine, you can have her. Just bring her and my baby back in one piece." Derek replied before turning over and trying to go back to sleep as Meredith grabbed clothes and ran to get ready for her day with her sisters.