166. Chapter 166

Four hours later Derek still sleepily and jet lagged made his way downstairs to his parents kitchen not smelling the breakfast that he and Meredith had been told about the night before.

"No breakfast?" he asked his mom seeing her sitting that the table with a cup of coffee in her hand. She laughed at his disarrayed state, his hair sticking out all over, his over sized sweats and his tired face.

"I heard an early morning commotion of daughters taking your wife. I figured to keep the big breakfast until tomorrow. I have to give them credit, I expected them to show up at some point last night, I owe your father fifty dollars." Carolyn laughed.

"Where is dad? And nice to know you only were making the big breakfast for Meredith, I guess cereal for me." He joked. "I feel so loved around here."

"Your father had an early morning shift at the hospital, and stop being a big baby. There's French toast and fruit in a plate for you right over there." She smiled at him pointing towards behind him.

"aww thanks mom."

"Why do I feel you're being sarcastic?" She laughed shaking her head. Derek made himself a cup of coffee and grabbed his breakfast plate, sitting down to join his mother at the kitchen table.

"Mark called this morning, everything's all set for his flight and Addi's in tomorrow. They'll be here in plenty of time for Meredith's shower and just so you're warned I think the girls went a little overboard in planning." Carolyn sighed.

"Don't I know it, the second I heard that the shower was being held at the country club and not here at the house I knew that it was going to turn crazy and I didn't even bother to try and control them after that. There'd be no stopping them anyways."

"They mean well Derek, they love her dearly and are just over compensating because she's so far away and having this baby so far away from them. So go a little easy on them."

"I know mom, I may tease and get a little pissed but I love that they love her so much. Especially since she grew up with nobody." Derek smiled.

"So are you going to tell me where you are taking your amazing wife on this tropical vacation?"

"Nope." Derek smirked taking a sip of his coffee.

"Derek Christopher Shepherd! I'm your mother."

"That you are, and a wonderful amazing mother that I love a lot. But you would spill to Meredith if she asked right or put on the waterworks like her hormones have been making her do lately. "

"I would not."

"You would so." Derek laughed "Meredith can get anything she wants out of you, plus your other four devil daughters want to know just so they can tell Meredith. If the five of them team up against you? You will cave so fast. Nobody will know where we are until we are there, and then you'll get some contact information if we need to be reached. Even Dad won't know." Derek smiled at his surprise as he continued to eat and his mother just smiled and shook her head at her son's antics in trying to keep this vacation destination a surprise from everyone especially his wife.