172. Chapter 172

"I can't believe you made me wear this brand new dress, just for lunch at the club." Meredith told Sam as they entered the family's country club that Christopher had a long time membership after falling in love with its sprawling golf course the first time he had played on it.

Meredith had slept in this morning and woke up to a quiet house, Derek and his dad had gone to the club early for a round of golf. Carolyn had gone to the country market to get things for dinner and the girls were supposed to pick Meredith up for a quiet local area day. After the large and entertaining family reunion the night before, it did sound like a perfect relaxing day. Carolyn of course had left Meredith a ton of breakfast options on the kitchen table for her to eat and Meredith quickly devoured. She showered and dressed in simple jeans and a blouse while waiting for them to get her to go out, but Sam only arrived saying that plans had changed. That they'd meet everyone at the club have a drink (virgin for Meredith) then do the antiquing and come back for a late lunch.

Meredith didn't mind the change in order of the day since she was hoping she'd also get a glance at Derek in the golf clothes. She loved him in his polo shirt and his golf hat. She hadn't seen it on him in so long since he hadn't been golfing in Seattle since they moved there. With Mark around now she's sure it'll change once the season was good for it she had thought. When Sam also arrived she told her that she had to change, which Meredith didn't want to but obliged anyways.

"You haven't been home in awhile, and you're pregnant. Everyone will be all whispering that you're back and pregnant, you got to look your best. Think of all the fun it'll be seeing the look on all those old hags who were always eyeing Derek when they see you're carrying his baby."

"I guess that'll be fun." Meredith giggled. Derek always hated the attention he got from the 'club ladies' he called it. The ones who he said had too much time on their hands and were always sitting around there all day. Just gossiping, staring and socializing full time like it was their purpose in life. She can only imagine the reaction he got when they all saw him this morning and seen that he was back.

"They probably all fainted at him walking in there today." Sam laughed as Meredith shook her head agreeing. As they arrived at the club and left the car at the valet. Meredith walked in remembering all the times she'd come here for lunches, drinks or dinners with the family. Derek didn't like it that much (because of the staring he got), but she had enjoyed just the family time they had here.

Sam took a turn toward one of the private ballrooms and not towards the main bar and lounge area. Which made Meredith slightly confused as to where they were going.

"Sam, we passed the lounge." Meredith told her in confusion.

"I know, I figured you'd want to see if Derek first. Don't lie I know it's been running through your head." Sam laughed. "We can take a short cut to the clubhouse from one of the ball rooms." Sam added and Meredith thought nothing of it.

Sam opened one of the main doors to one of the ballrooms, and let Meredith go in first. As she did all she could focus on was the large amount of people in the room staring and before she knew it they had all yelled out "SURPRISE." Family, friends, cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, members of the club, neighbors, old colleagues from Derek's old hospital and colleagues of Christopher's all were here.

Meredith was in shock that her family had done all this for her and hadn't even realized Sam had pushed her forward more into the ballroom that was a sea of blue balloons, decorations and set up for a very elaborate baby shower that looked more like a wedding reception.

Derek first came up to her pulling her forward to him and rubbing his hand up and down her back, "just so you know, I had nothing to do with how insane this turned out." He whispered into her ear. As she giggled at him and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"Oh I know, this has Nancy and Kathleen written all over it." She whispered back before turning to greet her guests and hug her sisters for all their hard work.

It was then she noticed Addison and Mark standing with the rest of the family that Meredith really started to get emotional.

"Mark and Addi came?" she said turning to Derek.

"She wouldn't miss this, and Mark wanted to golf." Derek laughed. As they made their way to them so Meredith could thank them for her surprise and they could get her party started.