173. Chapter 173

"I can't believe you flew all this way just for today," Meredith told Addison as they hugged.

"I wouldn't miss this extravaganza for anything." Addison smiled and laughed waving a hand around signaling to the very extravagantly decorated ballroom. "And you know Mark, all this wonderful food? Just say food and drinks and he's there." She laughed as Meredith looked around seeing Mark at the bar with some of her brother-in-laws.

"The Chief gave you the time off already?" Meredith asked.

"Well he gave us the weekend off, we fly back in the morning and Mark thinks he's freaked of all four of us being in New York at the same time. Not to mention can you imagine the rumor mill from all the rest of the hospital employees. All of us gone back to NY, Mark and I taking off so fast the way we did. They must think you went into early labor or something. Who knows what they all have gossiped up and are thinking." Addison laughed.

"I can't even imagine, I'm sure the most outlandish. Poor Chief, he thinks none of us will come back?" Meredith laughed, seeing Derek out of the corner of her eye being bombarded by aunts he probably couldn't even remember the names of since he hadn't seen most of them since probably their wedding. All the family in one place didn't occur often with such a large brood.

"He's probably a little bit worried, since he knew all of us from here and he knows of our New York ways of life. To be honest I think he misses it himself sometimes and feels a little homesick for it."

" We should all suggest him to come for a vacation, a weekend away at least. But if there's anyone he's scared of staying, it's you once you hit Madison Avenue to do some shopping." Meredith laughed

"Exactly why Mark's not letting me go, we're going to visit my parents tonight and then fly back out first thing in the morning.

"I don't believe that you won't sneak out." Meredith said raising an eyebrow.

"I may have a little escape plan." Addison said seriously, glancing at Mark while Meredith laughed in approval and knowing that Addison wouldn't come all this way and not hit up her favorite stores.

"I don't even want to know what your plan is." Meredith said before continuing, "Don't tell me so I can't be an accomplis if Mark starts questioning me." Meredith laughed. "I guess I need to mingle a little bit, Derek's been taking all the family brunt. I think I saw him get his cheeks pinched three times." She giggled as Addison waved her to go start mingling and Meredith walked over towards some tables where some of their extended family was seated to catch up on what they've been up too and thank them for coming.

Nancy and Carly were chatting with some cousins they hadn't seen in awhile in a corner, Kathleen was speaking to the club manager, some of the kids had their swimsuits on looking like they were heading in a group to the pool, and some of the older ones were dressed for a round golf. Sam was talking to Carolyn while Christopher chatting animately with some of his colleagues from work on what looks to be their golf game. Derek had wrangled himself away from the cheek pinching family and had joined Mark and the rest of the guys for a drink at the bar. Meredith observed all her surroundings and people who came out and loved that they were all enjoying themselves and having a great time.