174. Chapter 174

"Finally," Derek whispered in Meredith's ear and placing a kiss on her cheek. Catching her finally for a moment as they sat at the head table ready for the first course dinner to be served. They had both been pulled in so many different conversations and directions since her surprise that he hadn't gotten a chance to really talk to her yet.

"I know, I feel like I haven't seen you forever and how many course meals did they do?" She whispered and continued on. "This formal reception for a baby shower is kind of not the normal right? All the showers we've been haven't been anything like this." She giggled.

"Tell me about it," Derek muttered rolling his eyes. "I have no idea how many courses there are but this might be more than our wedding.

"They sure went all out didn't they?"

"When they first suggested a baby shower it was a small gathering in mom's backyard. Somehow it morphed into all this."

"I think they just missed me and wanted to do something big." Meredith smiled looking over at how excited the girls were and how they were talking while eating their salad at the table to their right.

"Oh I know none of this was for me." Derek laughed. "The closer the date came the more texts I got about color schemes and food choices because they were scared one of the dishes they picked would be something that made you sick."

"Aww that's sweet they just wanted to make it enjoyable. No wonder your mom insisted on rest day they knew all this was coming. And Mark and Addison, did you know?"

"Yes, I knew when they put in for the time off. At first it was just Addison coming in for your shower, but you know Mark. Couldn't have everyone back here while he was stuck in Seattle alone. Even if it was for a baby shower, he had to come." Derek laughed.

"What do we do after dinner?" Meredith asked quietly while taking a stab of his salad after finishing all of hers.

"I think there's desert." Derek smiled watching her face light up at that thought.

"Ok after all the eating." Meredith giggled.

"Probably a cake and presents? I don't know, you're the one that's been to the billion Shepherd baby showers. I was always watching a game somewhere with the guys.

"I know but this is nothing like our normal showers. We usually have small showers, with buffets and no guys. Not sit down formal dinner at the club with all this decorations. I'm flying blind here, all I know is opening presents and games."

"Did you see all those presents? You can start opening those today and won't finish until it's time for us to fly out of here on our vacation. It's probably best we don't start you off on those. I don't even know how we'll get all that to Seattle. Hopefully since they planned all this, they also have a plan on shipping." Derek told Meredith as he pushed his salad plate over towards her so she could finish it off for him and since she was enjoying it so much.

"That's why they didn't want me to buy any baby things when we went shopping!" Meredith exclaimed like a light bulb just gone off in her head.

"What games?" Derek asked suddenly at the same time thinking back to her previous comments.

"Baby shower games, they're silly like guess the due date and stuff like that." We usually play those types. Nancy and Kathleen love them, but Sam and Carly hate it."

"Well let's hope those two won that battle and we're spared that." Derek joked, "I can't picture Mark playing guess the baby date games."

"We should play just to see that, it would be funny." Meredith laughed back.

"Well we're both flying blind here then, when it started getting crazy I just said to go to it and just call me for details." Derek told her as the waiters came by with a pasta dish as their second course. As Meredith eyes lit up again at the food and started digging in.

"I do love your sisters." She moaned as she started eating. "Best food at a shower ever." She mumbled with her mouth full as Derek just laughed at her and smiled at how much she was enjoying her shower.