175. Chapter 175

As Meredith finished her desert while still seated next to Derek, she took a glance over to the area of the room that held the pile of gifts. Wondering what was in them all, and who was going to open them all. She'd definitely need Derek's help to get through them.

She wondered if everyone here knew it was a boy and if that made gift buying easier for anyone, as she thought back to the first Shepherd shower she had ever heard of and been invited too. Now all these years later she sat amongst them all at her own Shepherd sister shower. She wasn't sure she even believed it.

"Derek how am I supposed to pick a shower gift for your sister if I don't know if it's a boy or a girl?" Meredith whined to Derek as they entered a children's nursery store in Manhattan.

Meredith had been invited to her first official Shepherd event which was a baby shower for his sister Nancy. Ever since she met his parents she had been a regular over to the family house for dinners and she'd been talking to all his sisters on the phone all the time. Meredith had felt like she had made new friends and become a member of the family, however her first family event and it was a girls shower which Derek wasn't invited to had left her feeling nervous, scared and like she had to be perfect. Get the right gift, she didn't want to screw it up but she had never bought a baby gift before. Much less a baby gift for an unknown unborn baby. A Gucci purse or Louboutin shoes she could handle and was your girl, not bottles and bassinettes. Especially while she was still a teenager in her final year of high school. She knew pink or blue and apparently that was no help because Nancy wanted the thrill of a surprise.

"Yellow and greens." Derek laughed at he looked at a freaked out Meredith staring at all the pastels and abundance of baby and toddler stuff that the massive store carried.

"Well I still think that's wrong. Yellow is girly and green is boyish. A baby girl in green sounds weird Derek." Meredith rambled out as they walked around the store.

"Well that's what they say, pastels of other colors work when you don't know the sex."

"And a little boy in canary yellow?" she asked picking up an onesie that was a pastel yellow. "Would you dress your son in this?" Meredith asked raising an eyebrow at him already knowing the answer seeing the look on his face.

"Okay point taken." Derek said flatly grabbing the onesie from her hand and putting it back down. "No clothes, let's look for something else."

They walked around the store not finding much of anything. With it being not Nancy's first child all the furniture was out because she had everything already. Toys weren't something that the baby would need right away not to mention the baby had a ton of hand me down baby toys. Meredith was starting to think this was hopeless until she spotted a crib in the corner that had the prettiest quilt inside it on display. A mixture of pinks, blues, yellow, whites and greens stitching it would definitely would work for any child and it was personal for the baby to call his or her own. Their own quilt for their bassinette, Meredith had fell in love with it and grabbed it to go show Derek.

"It's perfect." She told him excitedly as she found him in the boy's side of the store. Obviously leaning towards hope that it was a Shepherd boy.

"It's pretty and has all the colors." Derek laughed. "You don't look as freaked anymore." Derek said noticing that her scared look had now been replaced with a look of happiness as she held onto the quilt with dear life.

"I'm not, because I have the perfect gift. The perfect gift for a boy or a girl. Life is good!" She smiled as she left him standing there to go check-out.