176. Chapter 176

"Oh hunny do you need to rest yet?" Carolyn asked worriedly quickly coming to Meredith's side as she saw from the corner of her eye how Meredith held her hand on her lower back as she walked back to the ballroom slowly from the rest room.

"I told them this was too much, but you know how they get, nobody could get a word in edgewise especially when they all start talking at once and ganging up." Carolyn blurted out in concern.

"I'm fine mom and this is great, I loved all the work they went for. I just can walk and mingle as fast as I used to." Meredith laughed. "I also have to go the bathroom far too much, I don't know how you did this 5 times. This is wearing me out!" Meredith said as they both walked into the ballroom together, Carolyn protectively with her hand around Meredith's back to help support the ache.

"It wasn't easy, trust me. Especially when you have those back aches while having to carry another child in your arms that got spoiled by her father and refused to walk. I think it's a good thing your first will be a boy and not a daddy's princess." Carolyn laughed. "I can only imagine how Derek would spoil his first little girl."

"Oh I know, he started buying baseball sets for toddlers when all we had was a pregnancy test that was positive. He had his heart set on a boy first, I think he was traumatized by having Nanc and Kath older than him and in charge." Meredith laughed as she looked at Derek as he sat with Mark and Christopher at one of the tables laughing and chatting away.

"I can't imagine how he'd get with a little girl first, I think he'll be less strict with her having a big brother to look after her." Meredith smiled in thought of them with both a little girl and boy before shaking herself out from that picture. "Let's just get through this one first then we'll cross the second bridge later." She giggled as Carolyn walked her over to the sofa lounges near the bar so Meredith could rest her back before the next part of the girls shower program started. Carolyn had no idea what was next, like Derek she just didn't want to know and stayed out of it once she saw the out of control event the girls had on their hands.

"So you ready for what's next?" Kath asked coming up to Meredith and Carolyn sitting on the sofas.

"It's not games is it?" Meredith asked scrunching her nose in disgust.

"Why don't you give her a chance to digest all that food Kathleen." Carolyn scolded her daughter.

"No it's not games," Kath said rolling her eyes. "Sam refused to bring you into the ballroom if we had even just one lined up. She said she'd take you Atlantic City and to hit the slots instead." She told them as Meredith laughed out loud and her eyes sparkled at hearing that tidbit of information.

"I love her!" Meredith exclaimed while slowly getting off the sofa while still laughing. "Bring on what's next, but first I have to go hug Samantha."