177. Chapter 177

"So what else do we do at these really blue and green decorated things?" Mark asked Meredith and Derek as they sat at one of the tables awaiting the next event. "If it's eating and drinking and mostly all chicks then I don't know why I never came to one before, this is my type of party." Mark told them seriously taking another sip of his scotch. While Meredith and Derek shared a glance at each other to signal that they knew Mark was really enjoying the drinking aspect of the shower.

"Well usually there are silly games, but Sam saved us all from that torture." Meredith smiled.

"She was always my favorite, remind me to thank her later." Derek piped in laughing.

"Games!" Mark exclaimed in excitement as Meredith raised her eyebrows at his reaction. "I want to play some games."

"I don't think you want to play these types of games Mark." Meredith told him while she burst out laughing at him wanting to play the baby shower games.

"Why not? Games are fun. Cards, poker, blackjack, dominos, pool. What do we play?" He asked while this time Derek started laughing at Mark's idea of games.

"Not those type of games." Meredith laughed. "None of those Mark, they play baby shower games like guess how big she is." Derek told him which earned him a glare from his wife before Derek added. "Which is not at all big." Then also kissing her cheek to make sure she wasn't seriously mad at him for the big comment.

"What's the point of guessing how big she is? Don't we all have eyes and can see how big she is?" Mark asked.

"Okay, can we stop mentioning me and how big in the same sentence? Because I'm not." Meredith huffed crossing her arms over her chest pouting.

"We know you're not sweetie." Derek reassured, kissing her cheek again.

"Now you're just humoring me."

"I'm serious."

"What ever."

"I mean it."

"Can we go back to the dumb game?" Mark butted in after finishing his drink after watching them go back and forth like a tennis match. "You can do your song and dance banter later when I'm not confused."

"The point of the game is to see who's string or ribbon was averaged the closest to the circumference of my waist line." Meredith told Mark scientifically..

"Circumference of your waist with a piece of string? What the hell do we do with the string?" Mark asked them confused still as Derek started laughing. Meredith just shook her head knowing this conversation was going nowhere fast and he wasn't going to get it. Not with the amount of drinks he had in him.

"Here Mark, just drink this and look pretty." Meredith smiled at him, pushing Derek's almost full glass of scotch closer to him.

As Mark just shrugged his shoulders and took the drink, forgetting his line of questioning all together.