178. Chapter 178

Turned out that they were all spared the embarrassing and silly games, but in its place they decided to do something just as equally cheesy. That made Derek groan in realization that his sisters really had turned his wife's baby shower into a wedding.

Nancy and Kathleen took game time and had instead made a slide show of how far Meredith and Derek have come and set it to music and were going to play it on a screen to all their guests.

Once Derek had started to see the screen roll down, he knew where this was going and could only hope they'd gone easy on him with the younger day's pictures. He squeezed Meredith's hand tightly, slightly nodding to the screen to point it out to her and saw her eyes go wide as she also figured out what they had done.

"I'm gonna kill Nancy and Kath." She whispered. "I knew when we vetoed this idea at our wedding this would come back to haunt us. They're getting their way albeit 7 years later."

"What happened to loving the sister's cause of cake?" Derek laughed at her.

"Shut up." She glared at him, "those pictures better be good ones."

"Oh come on." Derek rolled his eyes. "Like you have anything to worry about, they adore you. They'd never put a bad picture of you up there because they'd never want one of themselves up there. It's me who has to worry about which embarrassing photos they pulled on purpose." He told her.

"True." Meredith smiled nodding and relaxing. "My pictures will probably be great…. they're all posed and professional." She trailed off quietly remembering how different her upbringing was from his clan. Where they had embarrassing photos on Christmas morning in pajamas and bad hair. Meredith had formal wear pictures taken at Christmas brunch in a restaurant, that's if her mother wasn't working that day. Remembering that her mother still had no clue she was going to be a grandmother in a few months.

"Hey." Derek said quickly and snapping his fingers at her, knowing she was going into her childhood place. "No going to that place." He smiled, "just be grateful you'll look like a supermodel at age five in your pictures and I'll look like Eddie Munster." He teased to make her laugh and succeeding as she started giggling at him.

"They knew not to invite her." Meredith whispered to Derek, him knowing instantly who then she, Meredith was talking about.

"It would have been pretty funny if they did considering she doesn't know there's a reason for a baby shower." Derek smirked. "Would have loved to see the look on Ice Queen's face had they done that." He laughed thinking of the image.

"Thank you for not pushing me to tell her, I know you want me to." She told him while laying her head to rest on his shoulder so they could whisper in private and the ears around them couldn't hear.

"I want you and our baby happy and if that means keeping her in the dark until you're ready then that's what we will do." He reassured her kissing her lightly on her temple as he pulled her closer.

"They never would have invited her. Whether she knew or not." Meredith smiled as she looked towards Nancy and Kathleen talking to the technician operating the slide projector.

"You're right, they don't consider her any part of you. You're a Shepherd true and true. More than me." Derek laughed as Meredith shook her head and started looking around.

"Where's Mark? He's going to be the peanut gallery shooting off comment during this entire thing." she said looking around and spotting him dragging Addison to a closer table in front of the screen to get a front row seat.

"He's making himself comfortable." Derek smiled as they overheard Mark asking for popcorn to enjoy Derek's humiliation as Derek groaned and buried his head into Meredith's shoulder and shying himself away from the direction of the screen.