180. Chapter 180

"What are we going to do with the presents?" Meredith asked Kathleen when the evening was dying down. They sat in the lounge area by the bar, Meredith with her legs propped up on the chair in front of her Derek and the guys had gone outside to enjoy some cigars, the ladies were drinking coffee and tea just mingling and in Meredith's case resting.

Addison was chatting with Nancy at the bar a few feet away both enjoying a drink now that all the guys were gone and they chatted quietly catching up. Carly looked exhausted and was sitting with Carolyn drinking some tea while Sam ate a plate of cake in the circle of chairs next to Meredith and Kathleen.

All that was left of the standard shower itinerary was gift opening, however since this was not your normal standard baby shower Meredith didn't know what the plan was. All she knew was that she wanted to open the presents from mom and the girls while she was still in New York with them.

"The guys are going to load them all up in the back of our SUVs when they are finished outside and take them all to mom's house. We'll pile them in the living room and after you've rested and are comfortable you can open a few in your own leisurely time, the rest we'll have a shipping truck coming in a couple days to load and send to Seattle. By time you're back from holidays all your gifts will be waiting for you to open." She smiled.

"And not while everyone is staring at her and making her sit there and open them all and watching her like she's an animal caged in at the zoo that you want to ooh and aww at." Sam butted in coming into the conversation while holding the plate of cake she was eating while walking.

"And not while everyone is staring at you." Kathleen repeated while rolling her eyes at her sister's sarcastic rebuttal.

Meredith smiled and giggled, "Thanks Sam and no doubt Carly too for that. That is a lot of presents." Meredith said with her eyes getting wide staring at them, we'd be here until tomorrow if I opened them all.

"Yes, we didn't think your back could handle it. You can do few at a time and take it in shifts over the next couple days until you leave and when you're home." Kathleen told her.

"And we've taken care of all the shipping so big brother doesn't need to have a heart attack trying to figure out how to take it all back to Seattle." Sam added in again with a mouth full of cake.

"You do know your brother well." Meredith laughed as she looked at Sam's plate full of cake.

"She's being mean." Kathleen muttered.

"Mean? You know what's mean, you and Nancy finding those bad hair pictures of Derek and putting them on a one hundred inch projection screen in front of over a hundred people!"

"You know what's mean? Eating really really good cake in front of a pregnant woman, gimme some!" Meredith whined while opening her mouth for Sam to take her forth and feed her a piece of the chocolate cake. As Kathleen and Sam just laughed at their sister.
