181. Chapter 181

"I don't even know how to thank you guys for all this." Meredith whimpered and started to get teary again while she stared around at the empty ball room full now of just her, Carolyn, Nancy, Kathleen, Carly and Sam.

The guests had long left and what had remained was the clean-up. The clubs cleaning crew had come into help, sweeping and taking down the decorations. The party planners the girls had hired also came to take apart their portions of the elaboratley decorated banquet room. Addison had dragged a staggering Mark drunkingly out of there to visit with her parents. Which she knew with a drunk boyfriend on her hands, especially Mark of all boyfriends was not going to go over well with her snooty high society parents. Especially her uptight mother. However, her plan of sneaking out to hit the shops before they closed for the evening was going to be able to pulled off much easier since Mark no doubt was going to pass out the second he reached the limo town car. That waited outside to take them on the long drive back to the Upper East Side to see her parents. She was hoping he sobered up slightly to not look drunk but still wanted to pass out once they reached Manhattan.

Derek, his dad, and the other brothers-in laws had gone to start the multiple trips to carry out all the presents to the cars to drop back off at the house before everyone went back to their own homes after the very tiring and fulfilling day. The kids had all gone their own separate ways, the big teens going out for the night with their friends and the little ones playing the kids playroom until their parents were ready to leave.

Leaving all the girls together in the quiet ballroom.

"It was nothing, so don't even start with the pregnant woman water works." Sam told her not wanting to get emotional. Knowing if Meredith cried, she'd end up crying too and she wouldn't ever let that down if that happened in front of Nancy and Kath.

"It wasn't nothing? " Meredith giggled trying to blink back the tears. "It was the biggest and bestest baby shower ever." She smiled. "Look at all you did and how you pulled it all off, I didn't know a thing and Mark and Addison coming in as a surprise. I have the best family in the world."

"Okay stop now."Sam warned while getting misty.

"No let her keep going, tell me more how much we're the best." Nancy butted in earning the rest of the group to start laughing. As Carolyn just shook her head with a smile on her face at the bond her girls all shared.

"We love you Mer, we've missed you and wanted to do something special for you." Carly spoke up. "You deserve nothing but the best." Kathleen added softly.

"It was perfect." Meredith sighed taking a step forward and hugging Carly. Then grabbing Sam to bring her into the hug. While Kath and Nancy looked on at the three younger girls cuddled together.

"You three are so sappy." Kathleen laughed.

"I am not sappy, take that back." Sam told her seriously while pulling out of the hug.

"Aren't you supposed to like hugging and expressing your feelings? You are the therapist." Carly teased Kathleen. As all the girls started laughing.

"You girls have gone so off track." Carolyn laughed watching them all laugh and just joke and tease each other like they have been doing for so many years.