182. Chapter 182

A few days had passed since the shower, the few presents Meredith had opened along with all the unopened presents had been sent home to Seattle where Mark and Addison had received the truck. All the presents were currently jam packed in Meredith and Derek's unfurnished dining room since Mark refused to take the dozen treks it would take to carry all of them up the stairs.

The days following the shower were spent just relaxing and Meredith spending time with family a little by little. They had dinners at a few of the sister's houses, she went to a Giants game with Derek and Christopher, out to a few of their old favorite nightlife spots with Sam. The hardest parts were saying bye to everyone again and that's why she did them one-by-one and not everyone all together because she knew the farewells and her hormones would make her cry like a baby.

Time had finally come for them to go on the second part of their trip and leave New York. Meredith felt bittersweet, she was sad to again be leaving her family and having to say goodbye but she was really excited to be going on the mystery trip and finally finding out where they were going. This made her more antsy and desperate to know where they were going for the week.

"You need to tell me now, I need to know what to wear to the airport." Meredith told Derek as she stood in their bedroom at his parents' house. Surrounded by their packed suitcases as Meredith looked confused on what to wear to the airport. She was wearing jeans and an oversized sweatshirt and didn't know if she should stay like that or put on shorts.

"You've made it this long without knowing you'll survive a few more hours." Derek laughed.

"But Dereeeek." She whined "what should I wear on the plane? I don't want to dress for warm and end up on a skiing trip with knee deep snow."

"I think it's safe to say I wouldn't take my very pregnant wife skiing down a big mountain." Derek shook his head laughing. "This is killing you, not knowing for one of the first times ever." Derek smirked very happy with himself.

"You're so proud of yourself." Meredith laughed looking at her clothes and deciding to grab a short sleeve blouse to wear with her jeans and then pull her sweatshirt over top. Choosing to dress for both climates and thinking that she's usually cold in planes anyways.

"Good choice, "Derek smiled kissing her lightly on the cheek and grabbing some of the bags to take downstairs and start loading up their rental car with his dads help.

Meredith after changing looked around making sure she didn't forget anything, having her vitamins and especially her big carryon bag.

"Doing a last check around," Carolyn asked coming into the room.

"Yeah, just looking around again. I've gotten used to this room again." Meredith smiled not wanting to cry at how much she's going to miss being around here.

"Now, don't you worry at all. Anything you forget you just call and tell me. I'll pack it away and bring it for sure when it's time for that grandbaby of mine to come."

"You're coming?" Meredith smiled in relief, wanting her family around who knew about having babies but not wanting to be greedy to ask them to uproot their lives to trek all the way out to Seattle.

"Try and keep me away, we'll ALL be there for you. I think Sam even asked if she's allowed aunt maternity leave and if she wasn't she was going to create 'aunt maternity leave'." Carolyn and Meredith laughed.

"Thank you." Meredith said with tears in her eyes coming up to Carolyn and hugging her. "No need, you're me little girl and you're having a baby. You need me and I'll be there just like I was for all my other girls." She whispered to her as Meredith tried to hold the tears back. "Now, now, no crying. You go and have a fun and relaxing time with Derek, because trust me, it may be the last for awhile." She laughed as the two walked out of the room to go reach Derek and his father at the car.