183. Chapter 183

"I don't believe it!" Meredith exclaimed bouncing in her seat looking out the window at the clouds in the air. Somehow hoping she'd see land soon or they'd begin their decent although they had just taken off from JFK thirty minutes ago. The food services still haven't started yet, but Meredith was ready to land. Derek was sitting next to her laughing to himself at how childlike excited she was. She continued to stare out the window thinking back to just an hour ago…….

Derek couldn't keep the secret any longer once they reached the airport to check in. Unless he was going to blind fold her and keep her boarding pass from her, which airport security probably would not allow.

When they reached the check in counter, Derek still kept Meredith a few feet away from him, so that she couldn't hear or see the luggage being tagged. Derek had both tickets and passports and the check in lady could see Meredith from where she stood off to the side. Printing out two boarding passes and giving them to Derek, and wishing him a good trip sent them on their way to the airport security. Derek held onto the boarding pass as long as he could, telling her not to peak at the papers in his hand.

They did the normal airport routine, taking off their shoes, jackets, and placing their bags in bins before going through scanners. She did glance a peak when she finally had the paper in her hand, but had no idea what location they were going because it just had an airport code on it.

After they were done Derek led them to the first class lounge, so he could tell her in private where they were going before she saw it written on the screen at the gate.

As they sat comfortably in the lounge, Derek grabbing a drink for himself and a water he was proud of himself that the secret wasn't found out and that she'd lasted this long without combusting with needing to know.

"So, want to know where we are going?" He asked as he smirked at her as she rolled her eyes.

"No." she pouted with a small.

"Don't lie, I saw you peaking at the boarding pass when the guard handed it back to you."

"Well yeah, but I still don't know anything. I don't speak three letter airport code." Meredith giggled.

"I'll give you a hint, it's somewhere we've been before."

"That doesn't narrow it down Derek, we took cruises. We've been on practically every island."

"Somewhere we spent an amazing week."

"Derek!" she laughed. "These clues are bad." She laughed.

"Ok, ok, I thought this will be our last trip as us being just a married couple family of just two. So to end this chapter in our life, figured we should go back to where we started the chapter." He told her sweetly, looking at her in the eyes watching her narrow them to think about his clue.

He noticed her eyes get wide and knew she had it.

"St Barths !" She yelled loudly, gaining the attention of the other people scattered around the exclusive lounge.

"Oops sorry." She whispered with a smile.

"St Barths" she said again in a bit softer tone. "We're going back to where we spent our honeymoon. I'm right aren't I?"

"You're right." Derek smiled, leaning in to capture her lips in a quick kiss.

"You like?" he asked as he pulled away to look at her beaming face.

"I love." She sighed back pulling his face back towards hers.