184. Chapter 184

Hours later after a funny movie, a full meal and lots of snacks, the plane finally began it's decent. Derek was happy that they had first class seats in the very front because Meredith was antsy. Ready to jump out the door and go to the beach. The second she saw the water while the plane was lowering, she was ready to go swimming. Excitedly showing Derek and pointing at the crystal blue water becoming closer in view. He had a feeling she'd jump over people if she had to sit and wait for others to depart and collect their carryon bags from the plane first.

He grabbed her big bag and held back from rolling his eyes at its weight as she came out into the aisle and tried to grab it back from him.

"It's ok, I'll carry it." He smiled, "you have to walk down the steps remember?" he told her reminding her that this wasn't the big airports with the gateways they were used to.

"Oh right, those little steps." She remembered as she placed a securing hand on her baby bump. "All right, I'll let you carry my bag." She relented knowing it would be too difficult to maneuver down the steps with her bag with her pregnancy.

"Why thanks" he laughed as they walked towards the exit doors feeling the Caribbean heat and humidity the closer they got to the doors.

"I love it here." She said before even stepping foot outside yet.

They bid the flight attendants goodbye and thanked them for the flight as they stepped towards the steps and Meredith took in the breezy air with a big smile as she began her decent slowly down with Derek watching her every step. Meredith took her bag back from Derek after they reached the bottom and both walked together in the bright sunshine into the airport terminal.

After quickly going through customs they made their way to baggage claim to pick up their luggage. As they stood to the side waiting for the bags to start spinning around Meredith glanced around taking in her surroundings to notice how the terminal had changed compared to 8 years ago. More modern, updated with more technology and sitting areas. As she looked around more she noticed a driver towards the doors with the sign 'Dr. Shepherd'.

"Derek, did you call a car service?" she asked him slightly pointing to the chauffeur.

"The hotel said they would send a car." He replied waving slightly to the chauffeur letting him know that they see him and will be over shortly. As Meredith looked slightly confused and Derek noticed.

"What is it?"

"The hotel we stayed at last time didn't have chauffeured limos, Derek." She pointed out as Derek's eyes lit up and he slightly laughed.

"No, it didn't. Don't get me wrong that was a nice place, but back then we were young newlyweds and in school. This time around I can afford a lot more prestige for my girl." He told her slightly playing with the strands on her hair, pushing it back behind her ears.

"Where are we staying then?" she asked excitedly.

"You'll see when we get there," he teased placing a quick kiss on the tip of her nose and noticing behind her the conveyor belt started to move. Derek stepped around Meredith to stand closer to the belt.

"More surprises?" he heard as she groaned behind him as he laughed while watching the luggage start to move.