185. Chapter 185

AN: Photos of the island and the hotel they are staying at including pictures of their suite. Are at this website, but without the spaces. The link wasn't showing up unless I put spaces in it to make the URL look like words. Everytime I tried to type in the URL the right way it would for some reason delete and become a 3 letter code. So sorry about that.


http : // www. st-barths. com / isle-de-france / idf_amb. html#

Meredith walked in awe around the 'Eden' named villa that Derek at rented at one of the most private and luxurious resorts on the island. The beautiful white sanded beach was visible for all the windows and their villa included everything from a full bedroom decorated in pristine white to a living area and private terrace in which Meredith had yet to see.

"Derek…we've been to some amazing places but this…." She trailed off looking around and turning back to him with tears in her eyes.

"So you like it? I did good." He smirked at her, completely full of awe and loving the reaction she was having. It made all the secrecy, all the effort and work to keep everything about this trip so secretive and under lock and key so worth it. Just seeing the beaming ecstatic look that graced her face right now.

"You did more than good, you can't top this." She smiled through her tears leaning up to capture his lips in a slow kiss they conveyed all the emotions she was feeling and how much he made her feel.

"Is that a challenge?" he teased after he slowly released her lips to catch a breath.

"Hmm may be for sometime in the far future. I think Disney World will be our only vacation destinations for the next little while" she giggled patting her very visible baby bump.

"If our son is anything like me and Mark, that might be until he's in his late teens. Mark still loves it now to hit on the princesses." Derek laughed.

"We're going to have to put our foot down, once every other year or some plan like that." Meredith smiled at him slyly knowing that Derek was going to spoil their son rotten and when they have a daughter it'll be over. The kids are going to get everything they wanted.

"What?" Derek asked looking at her knowing her gears were moving.

"Nothing… Just thinking how you're going to be just as bad wanting to go once every few months." She giggled before walking further into the villa to explore around.

The bellman had put their bags in the walk-in closet and Derek was headed to change his shoes to more beach appropriate pair when he heard Meredith gasp and call for him.

Derek quickly jogged out of the closet and went over to her to see her standing on their private outdoor terrace.

"We have a pool at the beach!" She exclaimed excitedly as she heard him approach. Derek shook his head to calm his racing heart a bit and just laugh at her childlike excitement over their outdoor area watching her stand there pointing at the pool with the ocean in the background.

"We have a pool, of our own and our own lounge chairs, and look our own private beach is right there." She pointed. "Right down those steps!"

"You don't say?" he teased knowing all this already since he was the one who booked the villa. Before he started to walk back in to grab his shoes and letting her continue her explorations of their home for the next week.

"Okay now you're in trouble, because I want to live here." She laughed and called back to him, before she kicked off her Nike trainers and started lying down in the sun on one of the loungers facing the pool and taking in the Caribbean air and breeze. She was too content to even change, she just wanted to experience this and rest for a few moments.