186. Chapter 186

After the full week of family, her shower, shopping, visiting so many people and being so busy all the time. Meredith was loving her husband ever more than she did before (if that was possible) for planning this vacation, it had the perfecting timing. There was no way she would have been able to go back to work at the hospital after New York right away, she would have needed a lot of sleep and relaxation. Which was why this trip was so perfectly timed by Derek, after all this sun and relaxation she'll be ready to head back to work before she had to take her maternity leave.

Derek had changed out of his flying clothes and into a pair of leather Prada sandals, khaki shorts and a short sleeved button down shirt then went to the lobby to see the concierge about some tours. He looked like he stepped out from a Tommy Bahama catalog. Meredith couldn't remember when last she had seen him look so at ease and relaxed.

The move, the house, the baby, the new head of neuro job had all been a lot of stress for him. It's been one thing after the other with them and Derek finally had a week to himself so he could just swim and go fishing. Derek loved to go out on the charter boat tours, that take people out into the ocean and you spend the day out there.

Fishing, drinking beer and just having fun. Meredith usually went with him at least once whenever they went on vacation, but this time with the baby and possible sea sickness, plus the smell of fish she was going to have to pass. Derek though wasn't going to miss one of his favorite things to do and was excited to get himself out there on a boat and catch himself some fish.

Meredith had changed out of her comfortable flying clothes herself and changed into one of the maternity 2 piece tankini style swim suits she had gotten in New York. She didn't look too big with the fuller length top compared to a bikini top. She now lay out at the pool, soaking in the sun and drinking a fruit virgin cocktail and enjoying a plate of fresh fruits she had ordered up. She knew she was going to fall asleep out there because she hadn't been so relaxed in so long.

When Derek returned with a smile on his face he found her still laying in the sun, waiting for him before she hit the beach or the pool.

"I'm back." He smiled with a beer in his hand, looking so relaxed and at ease.

"Did you get your boat trip?" She asked pushing her Chanel sunglasses up onto her head and pulling herself up in sitting position to look at him.

"Yes, all set for tomorrow morning at 6 am." He laughed seeing her scrunch her face up and dramatically drop back down in her laying position and putting the sunglasses back on. at hearing the early morning wake up time.

"That means you have to wake up and be done breakfast at like five-thirty. Have fun with that hunny. I'll be right here sleeping in that big comfy bed and basking in the sun."

"I'll be sure to know where to find you when I get back," Derek laughed as he pulled the other lounger closer to Meredith. Kicked off his own shoes, unbuttoned his shirt and lay back in the sun. Shutting his eyes, so both could take a little nap before hitting the water.