187. Chapter 187

"You're such a goof ball" Meredith laughed watching her husband try to surf the almost still crystal waters on a small little surf board. The water was calm and that just made the board slip from under him everytime he tried stabilize on it making him tumble in the water.

After they had rested and had a light snack, Meredith packed up her beach bag of belongings grabbed a towel and wanted to go lay out in the ocean before dinner. Derek teased of her needing everything but the kitchen sink just to walk down the steps from their private balcony down to the sand and beach area.

After getting a covered hut with a couple chaises underneath, Meredith spread out her towel and grabbed a book while Derek walked over to the sports area and grabbed them a couple boards to float around. Meredith also enjoyed the sand and looking for shells to bring home as mementos of their trip.

After he returned from the sports area, they both hit the warm Caribbean water for the first time and it was heaven. Feeling the warm salt water on their toes melted away all the stress of the past year with moving, new jobs, new positions, new house, and a new baby.

Meredith was floating on a boogie board, half in the water half laying on top of it. Just lounging along the water let the light waves lap around her. Enjoying the water, sun and salt water air. Derek had a long surf board which he was still trying to stand up on unsuccessfully since the water was so still.

"I'm trying to learn again."

"Learn badly…" she laughed. "You haven't even attempted surfing since we went to Hawaii years ago. Which you took like two lessons of."

"I want to remember so I could teach my son one day."

"No offense sweetie, but if Dev wants to learn to surf we'll buy him lessons from an instructor."

"Thanks, that makes me feel good." He rolled his eyes.

"Awww don't be mad, you can teach him other things like baseball and hockey and football. How to repair a brain aneurism." She smiled. "He'll be the best at that probably by the first grade. You'll teach him things you can do." She giggled.

"Shut up" he laughed moving over towards her in the water and splashing her where she now lay with her eyes closed and covered with her sunglasses.

"Derek!" she squealed when feeling the water hitting her face and sunglasses. She instantly jumped off her board and started splashing him right back. But with him being already wet while she was half dry it didn't have the same effect on him as the cool water splashing her hot sun kissed skin had on her.

"Get used to it." He laughed at her while still splashing as she raised her hands in defeat and just trying to keep the water away from her hair. "Wait until I have a partner in crime, you'll be tag teamed."

"Conspiring to turn my son against me are we? "She laughed as she swam up to him and pulled herself near him. Wrapping her arms around his neck so he couldn't splash her because his arms wrapped around her body to support her.

"Not conspiring." He whispered…"We'll plot." Before he lightly kissed her on the lips.

"You just wait until we have a girl and we're tied." She told him before capturing his lips again and he swam them back out a little further from shore into the ocean.