190. Chapter 190

Their trip was coming close to end. They had reached the end of the week and only had a couple days left, 48 hours of so and they'd be headed back to Seattle. Which made Meredith decide to soak up as much sun as she could, including the salt water and the feeling of the warm white sand underneath her toes. She had taken long walks on the beach with Derek every evening and even sometimes during the day.

She ate lots of the island fruits and delicacies. Which Derek approved off considering her diet lacked the balance food groups when they were at home.

Derek did some more fishing and also a round of golf with a couple fellow older Doctors from Texas he ran into on his fishing excursion. They were on a weekend golf getaway with their wives and invited Derek to join them for a game and they also shared some drinks one night in the hotel lounge where Meredith met them and their wives.

They ended up making friends and Meredith heard all about the awful teenage years they were presently experiencing. The cell phone bills, the clothing bills, the missing homework and studying. It made Meredith joke to want to keep Devin in just a little longer.

On one of their last afternoons Meredith decided to round up some fruit from the local market to bring home so she could eat them like on vacation. When Derek saw the amount of fruit she was buying to bring home, he started laughing at her.

"Meredith honey, I know you're doing this to be healthy and I love it. But you can't bring all this back home." He laughed seeing her straw basket filled with mangoes, guavas, pineapples and more.

"Why?" She asked with not even looking up while picking up a papaya and putting in her basket.

"Because it's too much to bring back. You can buy fruits and vegetables back home at the grocery store. " He said still laughing.

"It won't be the same, this is fresh from here. Anyways, I'll put it in a plastic bag and wrap it up good in the suitcase."

"Meredith you'll be detained by homeland security with all this." He told her holding his stomach from laughing so much at her.

"You're stupid, for some fruits?"

"First question they'll ask when we get off the plane is do you have any illegal fruits and vegetables."

"Well we'll lie and say nope. You're a pretty doctor, I'm a pregnant hormonal woman, and they won't mess with me and take away my fruit."

"Really?" Derek asked smirking at her raising his eyebrow.

"Yup, and don't forget Mr. Illegal fruits and vegetables about the time we came back from Cancun and you had like half a dozen bottles of tequila in your suitcase. I don't think that was allowed from Homeland security either."

"Touche." He smiled noddingly."Thank you." She smiled leaning up and kissing him on the cheek as she handed over the full and heavy now basket of fruits for him to go pay the local.
