191. Chapter 191

"A couple more weeks?" Meredith whined.

"Meredith..." Derek laughed.

"One week?" She asked unsurely.


"Look how nice it is here, hot, sunny, sand, water, no rain. A few more days even?"

"You know we can't."

"But Derrrrek…" She whined again like a little kid who had her favorite toy taken away. Causing Derek to start laughing out loud.

"You know I will give you anything I could and would do anything for you. But you have a second year of your residency to get back to and I have a job to return to also."

"We can call Richard and maybe he'll let us stay?" she looked up hopefully from where she was sitting Indian style on the big king size bed while folding her clothes in piles to pack them in the empty suitcase sitting on the floor. Looking at him while he took clothes from the closets and piled them on the bed for her to fold.

She continued to fold and pack away despite her whining to stay longer. She had opened all the doors and windows, trying to get as much ocean air and atmosphere she could soak in for the little while longer she had.

It was their last day on the island, they had both procrastinated and left everything until now to pack. Derek decided to get the hard part done so they could enjoy themselves for the rest of the day. Their flight wasn't until early the following morning, so after the packing was done. They'd be able to relax and spend the rest of their day on the beach, at the pool and enjoy a quiet romantic dinner the two of them.

Meredith knew in her head it was time to go, get back to real life and their jobs but she still complained. It was tradition that she never wanted to leave vacation and always wanted to move to where ever they had happened to be. First time visiting Disney World, she wanted to live and move into the Grand Floridian resort and buy a season's yearly pass to the park. Despite the fact she had to go back to College, she still wanted to move into the 'happiest place on earth' and live there forever. Derek knew her arguments to stay were coming before he even booked this vacation.

"I think Richard has let us be away enough, we don't want to give the man an aneurysm. Not sure I want to call him up and ask him if my pregnant wife and I can move to and live in a hotel." Derek laughed as she stuck out her tongue at him and pouted.

"Fine! I know, I'm being silly. We can't live here. Just like we couldn't live in Orlando or Hawaii, or Jamaica." She said out loud in thought.

"Or on the cruise boat!" Derek added in. "That one was the best." He laughed at her.

"Shut up." She laughed throwing a shirt she was folding at him. "I loved that boat, it was the biggest in the world and we had all that food. You wake up and are in a new place every day."

"I know, I especially liked when you and Mark both asked the information desk if they had cabins to rent for months to stay on the boat." Derek continued to laugh.

"Hey, don't compare me to Mark! He just wanted to live on it because of the hot college girls on the pool deck and nightclub." She laughed.

"True, but you both still did it." He smiled. "We'll come back one day, I promise.

"For sure?"

"For sure, Dev is going to love the sand and the water. Once he can walk or even crawl we'll bring him." He reassured her as he saw her smile and pick up the clothes to continue packing.

"He's going to love it." She smiled.

"I just hope he doesn't his mothers tantrums when it's time to go home." He laughed and ducked from the pair of shorts that she whipped at him.
