192. Chapter 192

Derek and Meredith sat quietly at their gate in the airport waiting for them to start boarding. They had left the hotel shortly after breakfast, both of them enjoying the outdoors of the sunshine and ocean breeze.

Arriving at the airport a couple hours before their flight, they easily checked in and checked their bags. Went through security and arrived at the gate. What Meredith loved about this small local airport was that it wasn't monstrous like normal airports. It was small, cozy and fit the small island's laid back atmosphere. Even being inside the airport still made it relaxing to enjoy the last few moments they had of vacation before they went back to their reality.

They sat there together side by side, cuddling. Meredith's head resting on Derek's shoulder while his arm wrapped around her waist holding her there.

"Why is it that I'm tired now when I wasn't before we got to the airport?" Meredith yawned while closing her eyes.

"Because vacation high is over, the past two weeks of being on the go and away from home is going to set in….and before you even suggest it no we're not going back to the hotel." He teased turning to kiss her on the top of her head.

"You know me so well." Meredith giggled.

"Oh I do, all these years made me a mind reader." He laughed.

"You goof. Remember when we left this airport the last time we were here?"

"You mean your freak out?" Derek laughed.

"I did not freak out! I was unsure." She exclaimed poking him in his side.

"I think I need a weeks' vacation to get over our vacation." Meredith sighed.

"I know, I can't believe I start my internship so soon. At least you have a little more time before you start classes."

"Work, school, and Ugh can we just stay here? I think a permanent honeymoon is the way to go." She suggested quietly in his ear.

"I like that." He agreed turning her face to slowly kiss her on the lips. Not caring who was watching from the nearby chairs of other people at the gate waiting for the plane.

"We're going home." She frowned she whispered after slowly pulling back to look up at him... "Now what?" Meredith said

"What do you mean?" Derek asked looking at her in confusion.

"We're married, honeymoons over, now what? What do we do? Are we an old married couple? I don't know how to cook very well. I have classes, you have your internship, and how do we do this whole married thing?" she started to freak out.

"First you breathe." Derek told her holding her face in his hands as Meredith took a deep breath and exhaled. "Second you're only 19 so I don't think old married couple fits us." He laughed.

"Ok now what?" she said looking at him.

"Now we get on the plane, we go home, we lock ourselves in our apartment and ignore my family for the last few days until I start at the hospital and don't leave our bedroom." He huskily told her.

"Then…" She whispered breathily.

"Then we do the thing we've been doing all along, you support me, I support you and we work as a team being there for each other. Only now we live in the same place and sleep together every night and you have a wedding band on your finger to say you're mine and we spend a lot more time in bed. " He teased although serious.

"Okay." She beamed at him.

"They'll be good, they'll be fights, you'll want to throw a shoe at me some days and I'll want to throw all your purses. But we'll always work it out and be there together."

"Forever." She smiled.

"Forever." He agreed, just as the airport intercom came on announcing that they were boarding their gate.