193. Chapter 193

"Ha, told you so!" Meredith smirked as they walked towards the limo and tax stand of the airport. To wait in the line for a town car to drive them back home.

They had flown back to Seattle with no big delays in their flights. It's been a long day of traveling for them to get back home and to their regular life with connections since was a small island that didn't take jumbo jets for cross country trips. . After landing in Seattle they looked outside their plane window to see the light misted rain. As much as Meredith missed her sun and ocean she had grown used to this past week, she had smiled and told Derek 'home sweet home' when they landed safely. She had missed her new house, her own bed and while she hated to leave vacation she was smiling at being back home and being ready for her own bed.

They departed the plane first with the other first class passengers, Derek grabbing her hand and his carry-on while she clutched her oversized carry-on bag that had seem to grow full of things compared to when they left Seattle two weeks ago.

Before she could make it to her own comfy bed, they first had to make it through customs people which Derek was worried about, as well as pick up all their luggage and get a car to take them out to their island.

When it was finally their turn to face the US customs officer it was late in the evening. Meredith walked up first while Derek stood behind her and handed their documents to the officer. Meredith's pregnancy was visible and he was hoping that would make this questioning easy along with the "Doctor" title ahead of both their names on their passports. The officer stamped their documents asked them where they've been which Derek said a week on the island of St. Barths. The officer stamped everything and said they were good to go, which shocked Derek almost to the point where he was going to ask "if that was it?" but he tried not to make his shock show.

They waited at the baggage claim for their bags and Derek wanted quickly to get them to make a run for it out of the terminal and home. Meredith was smiling very proud of herself and he knew she was going to gloat as soon as she could. Which occurred the second they emerged out of the terminal and ventured toward to the car stand.

"You were right." Derek sighed rolling his eyes.

"They didn't ask if we had anything!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"Are you on a high right now because you smuggled fruit into the country?" Derek laughed at her excitement.

"Shut up." She laughed knowing he was right while swatting his arm as a black towncar pulled up as they were next in the queue.

The driver loaded all their bags into the trunk as they both settled into the back seat, Meredith snuggling into Derek to rest for the long drive home while looking out the window seeing back all the familiar sights and sounds of home.