194. Chapter 194

"Our entire living room looks like Santa's workshop except everything is wrapped blue!" Derek exclaimed as he wearily climbed the stairs to their bedroom with a suitcase in each hand.

Meredith trailed behind him with her carry-on. Neither of them had realized just how exhausted they were until they landed back in Seattle, opening the door to their house made them both just want to climb the stairs and crawl into their own bed without coming out for the next couple days.

Luckily for them they had the next day off, however both were due back at Seattle Grace bright and early Monday morning.

When they walked into the house the first thing Derek noticed was the bare living they had left behind in Seattle was now full to the brim with all of Meredith's baby shower gifts. Massive size boxes, huge boxes, middle size boxes, lots of small clothing size boxes and tons of gift bags. Almost all in blue wrapping.

"Derek, you were at my shower you saw those gifts." Meredith reminded him rolling her eyes.

"Meredith, there wasn't that many at your shower. None of those big boxes were there, just ones people could carry."

"Nancy had mentioned they left some gifts back at her house instead of taking them to the shower, but I didn't ask her why since they were so many other gifts." Meredith told him remembering the conversation now, with Nancy telling her that they had some special items that they'd kept back from brining to the shower.

"Yeah, left them back because they need a forklift to carry them."

"I think you just want to open them and see what they are." Meredith teased him, as she pulled off her sweater, and went to her nightstand to grab a pair of sweats. All she wanted was one of her comfy tracksuits, but she knew they wouldn't really fit. So she grabbed her favorite, Derek's sweatshirt and old track pants.

"I'm too tired to even wonder what's in that one bigger than our sofa." Derek yawned and told her as he just took off his sweater and stepped out of his jeans. "May be they decided to be helpful and furnish the rest of our house?" he joked as she climbed into their bed with him.

"This feels so good." She moaned in satisfaction of being back in their own bed, their own sheets, and her own mattress."

"What happened to wanting to live in ?" Derek laughed as he spooned in beside her and draped his hand across her waist and resting it on her baby bump to make sure the baby was resting and intending to sleep along with his parents.

"I still want to do that, and that bed was amazing too but this is my bed you know?"

"I know." He sighed as he himself loved the feeling of their familiar surroundings. "Get some sleep, tomorrow we'll stay in our house clothes all day and may be tackle the big box." He told her as he shut his eyes to go to sleep.

"I knew you wanted to open that one." She giggled as she herself drifted off to sleep.